May 17, 2017 @ 8:00 AM

An atheist can no more prove to you that there is no God than you can prove to him that there is a God. Thus, all atheists, much to their chagrin, are like Christians; they live by faith! Whereas the Christian BELIEVES there is a God, the atheist BELIEVES there is no God. Furthermore, and much to the horror of all atheists, their belief in evolution requires a far greater leap of faith than the Christian's belief in creation. For instance, consider the following quote from Dr. Henry Morris' book, "Some Call It Science: The Religion of Evolution."
"The faith of the a splendid faith indeed, a faith not dependent on anything so mundane as evidence or logic, but rather a faith strong in its childlike trust, relying wholly on omniscient Chance and omnipotent Matter to produce the complex systems and mighty energies of the universe. The evolutionist's faith is not dependent on evidence, but is pure faith—absolute credulity."