June 22, 2016 @ 6:46 AM

With the exception of their ability to play God and the accompanying belief in their ability to create a heaven on earth by deciding for themselves what is good and evil, liberals don't really believe in anything. All the beliefs they profess are found fallacious upon close examination. In fact, the only reason they profess to believe in anything apart from themselves is to provide cover for their real intent, which is to destroy all other beliefs apart from their belief in humanism. An excellent example, as well as proof of my point, is found in this article.
Liberals claim to believe that homosexuality is a sexual orientation. They do this so that the federal government will provide homosexuals with special civil rights protections. Consequently, anyone refusing to agree with their belief is subject to being expelled from school, fired from their job, losing their business over a financially ruinous civil suit, or even being arrested and prosecuting for inciting a hate crime, thanks to our country's new hate crime laws.
Yet, despite liberals' insistence that homosexuality is a sexual orientation rather than a sexual preference, here is a story of a lesbian couple that is not only trying to teach "their" son to be gender neutral, but also trying to force him to have a “queer” relationship with his own gender, despite his personal protests. Wait a minute; I thought this kind of behavior was innate, not learned. I thought it was natural, not coerced. Why, then, are these two "sexually oriented" lesbians attempting to teach and coerce their son into being homosexual? The obvious answer is that neither of these lesbians really believe what they profess to believe, that lesbianism is an intrinsic peculiarity rather than a personal choice.
Another proof that liberals are insincere about what they profess to believe is the insanity of their professed beliefs. For instance, the lesbian couple in this article decry our world's "girl, boy" intolerance. They demand that it be replaced with the more tolerant and gender neutral "child, child." I suppose, if these lesbians are really sincere in their belief, they would be willing to change their "child, child" to "critter, critter" in order to show their tolerance toward some nut job who says he is a opossum.
Folks, liberals don't really believe in anything but themselves. If they really had faith in the preposterous things they profess, they would be as nutty as a fruitcake. While you may believe they're fruitcakes, I believe they're crazy like a fox.