February 9, 2016 @ 9:30 AM

Madeleine Albright has proved herself to be as bad a theologian as she was a diplomate. Don't forget she was the chief negotiator for Bill Clinton's nuclear deal with North Korea, a deal in which Clinton sent billions of American taxpayer dollars to Kim Jong-il in exchange for his promise to discontinue his nuclear weapons program. Albright sealed the deal with the North Korean madman by giving him a basketball signed by his favorite basketball player, NBA star Michael Jordan. Of course, Kim Jong-il dribbled behind his back, juked our naive president and secretary of state, and used American taxpayer dollars to build nuclear weapons. Now you know where President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry got the "bright idea" for our most recent nuclear deal with the mad mullahs of Iran. Like Kim Jong-il before them, the mad mullahs of Iran have no intention of discontinuing their nuclear weapons program, but have lied that they will in order to get American taxpayer dollars to fund their building of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, having not learned from our past mistake with North Korea, we are presently repeating it with Iran. Consequently, our world continues to become a more dangerous place.


When it comes to her theology, Madeline Albright believes that the hottest part of hell is reserved for women who refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton. The Bible clearly teaches that people go to Hell because of their rejection of Jesus Christ as their Savior, not, as Albright teaches, their rejection of Hillary Clinton as their next president. Isn't it interesting that liberals, like Albright and Clinton, condemn Christians for warning others―those who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior―about Hell, while at the same time readily condemn to Hell all who reject Hillary Clinton as their next president? Apparently, belief in Hell is not politically incorrect if one believes it is populated by rejecters of Hillary Clinton rather than rejecters of Jesus Christ.


Here's something the Bible teaches that both Hillary and Madeline should know. There are, as Madeline Albright suggest, differing degrees of punishment in Hell (Matthew 10:15; 11:20-24). It will be "more tolerable...in the day of judgment" for some unbelievers than for others. Although it is one's decision as to whether or not to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior that determines whether they will spend eternity in Hell or in Heaven, Hell will be more intolerable for some unbelievers than for others. If you ask me, Hell is going to be a lot hotter for unbelievers like Clinton and Albright, women who believe it is more condemnable to reject Hillary Clinton than Jesus Christ and who advocate such things as the continuation of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, a diabolical organization that is murdering babies and marketing their body parts.