December 8, 2016 @ 6:30 AM

Al Gore, the man who claims exhaust fumes and cow flatulence are the greatest threats to the human race within the world today, was recently given a baton to twirl by our president-elect in the big parade of people marching in and out of Trump Tower. According to Gore, he was invited to meet with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and afterward with Mr. Trump. Although Gore claimed he had both a productive meeting and interesting conversation with the president-elect about climate change, he praised Trump’s daughter Ivanka for being “all in” on this political hot potato. “It's no secret,” Gore said after meeting with the president-elect’s daughter, “that Ivanka Trump is very committed to having a climate policy that makes sense for our country and for our world.”
Climate change, the new and generic moniker adopted for this environmental issue by the scientific community, due to the egg repeatedly flung on their faces over the earth’s fluctuating temperature and their subsequent and contradictory prognostications between a coming ice age and a planetary meltdown, is nothing more than a ruse of what the Apostle Paul referred to as that which is falsely called science (1 Timothy 6:20). According to today’s mad scientists, this environmental  bogeyman is to be blamed not only for melting ice caps, but also for the lightening fast greens at the Augusta National Golf Course, the decimation of Costa Rica’s frog population, and the increased number of stray cats in America.
Were it not for its nefarious use by government, one could bust a gut laughing at this lab coat clad nonsense. However, the fact that our government is using this scientific ploy to gain unprecedented control over our private lives makes it no laughing matter. From the kind of car we can have parked in our driveway to the kind of lightbulbs we can have in our living room lamps, our government is increasingly invading our privacy and violating our freedoms under the guise of protecting our planet from climate change, mankind’s most malicious menace. 
I’m sure that most people, even most evangelicals, won’t even shrug their shoulders over Trump’s powwow with the chief of the tree-huggers, despite the fact that Trump has previously and repeatedly called climate change a “hoax.” There may be some raised eyebrows, however, when we all find ourselves in the future forced to drive a hybrid Hugo or a vehicle fueled by wood chips and switch grass. Of course, Big Brother will assure us that such an infringement upon our rights is necessary to protect us from being turned into little cinders or ice cubes.