May 22, 2015 @ 8:30 AM

Our president is reported to be working with the United Nations on the creation of a Palestinian State. He is siding with the enemies of our friend, Israel, and attempting to appease militant anti-Semites as payback for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's acceptance of an invitation to speak to the United States Congress about his opposition to to any nuclear deal between the Obama Administration and the mad mullahs of Iran, who have vowed to wipe Israel off the map as soon as they can acquire a nuclear weapon.

As I recently wrote in our ministry's new publication, "Piecing Together Bible Prophecy," Bible prophecy will become clearer to us as the time for its fulfillment comes nearer. One of the things that has always puzzled me is how the "beast" can play a role in destroying "the whore" who is hated by the beast's "ten horns," all of whom are ruled over by "the whore" (Revelation 17:16-17). While it has been easy for me to see "the whore"―America, the end-time Gentile world power―hated by the "ten horns"―European nations coming out of what was once the Roman Empire―it has been puzzling to me how "the beast"―an American president and end-time world leader―will want to destroy "the whore"—America. Well, thanks to President Obama my puzzlement has been all but eliminated. The one incontrovertibly intention of the present occupier of the Oval Office is to destroy America; that is, to destroy everything she has ever been or stood for, so as to raise up from her ashes a One World Order united against God's people, both His Old Testament people (Israel) and His New Testament people (the church). Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes in these contemporary times! Unfortunately, most Christians are blinded to it by their preconceived ideas. Refusing to rethink what they've always thought and been taught, their looking elsewhere for other things rather than seeing prophecy fulfilled right under their noses. Make no mistake about it, this president's animosity toward Israel, as well as our world's growing anti-semitism, is setting the stage for the biblically predicted and divinely ordained end-time scenario. If you would like to be put on our ministry's email list to receive our "Time Capsules" and "Piecing Together Bible Prophecy," email your name and email address to me at: