December 23, 2015 @ 7:00 AM

I don't know why we should pick on the Rwandans for democratically electing a dictatorship in Rwanda. Isn't this exactly what Americans have done in the last two presidential elections? According to news reports, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has been guilty of restricting free speech and targeting his political opposition. Sound like anyone you know? When it comes to violating individual rights, like freedom of speech, President Kagame is a minor-leaguer in comparison to our president, Barack Obama. And as far as targeting his political opponents, President Kagame, unlike President Obama, doesn't even have an IRS to carryout such dirty work.


I believe more than anything else the explanation for the Donald Trump phenomenon is the anger and angst of Americans over being ruled rather than governed over the last seven years. It's not just anger directed toward a dictatorial president who believes the Oval Office is a throne room, but also toward Congress, which believes the president's veto pen is a scepter. For instance, I actually heard Senator Marco Rubio excuse his absence on the recent omnibus bill vote in the senate by claiming that his vote would have proven to be nothing more than an exercise in futility, since the president is able to "force" Congress to pass any spending bill he wants. Of course, the truth is something far different than what Senator Rubio contends. 


Congress, not the president, holds the power of the purse in our system of government. However, Republicans hang themselves with their own purse strings every time President Obama waves his veto pen at a bill to fund the federal government. Afraid the press will blame them rather than the president's veto for the shutdown of the federal government, Republicans, like Marco Rubio, rollover and play dead every time the president points his veto pen in their direction. 


What would happen, however, if Republicans refused to flinch at a threatened presidential veto? What would the public response really be and who would really end up on the hot seat if President Obama shutdown the government with a veto over Republicans refusal to continue taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the funding of immigrants and refugees flooding into our nation unscreened and unvetted, and the funding of Obamacare, which has not, as promised, reduced our medical expenses and insurance premiums, but caused them to skyrocket. Whereas the press would definitely blame congress, I think the public would blame the president, but, of course, the GOP doesn't have sense enough to figure this out. Its thinking is too clouded by its cowardice. 


To prove how dense Republican dummies have become, look at how dumbfounded they are over Trump's poll numbers. They continue to insist that Trump can't win the nomination. Why? Is it not because they are in self-denial over how antagonized voters have become over the GOP's timidity and treachery? Voters are so sick and tired of turncoat Republican cowards that they will vote for anybody who appears to have a little backbone and enough intestinal fortitude to refuse to allow himself to be pushed around by political correctness. Donald Trump's candidacy for the presidency may have been seen as a joke a few years ago, but in today's ticked off America it is no laughing matter. Today's infuriated voters prefer a clown over a coward. Still, we would do well to remember this warning from Scripture: "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God" (James 1:20). Angrily electing clowns over cowards will not right any of the wrongs in today's America.