May 5, 2017 @ 8:30 AM

With ObamaCare, Democrats crammed a new federal entitlement program down our nation's throat, entitling all of America's uninsured with government funded healthcare. The Supreme Court ruled that ObamaCare was constitutional; that is, government can force us to buy and sell something, which means it can also prohibit us from buying and selling (Revelation 13:17). With the blessing of the Supremes our government proceeded to take over our healthcare, even to the point of picking our pockets to fund this intrusion into our personal rights and liberties. What occurred in Washington DC yesterday did NOTHING to change ANY of this. It leaves Democrats' new federal entitlement program intact, our government with dictatorial power over our buying and selling, and our healthcare under the iron fist of Big Brother. Don't be deceived by the victory lap run yesterday by President Trump and congressional Republicans; it's the same old runaround we've been getting from the GOP for years.