February 11, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

I suspect my fellow evangelicals' euphoria over the election of Donald Trump to the presidency has started to evaporate somewhat in the face of the harsh reality of our present-day predicament under the gavels of judicial despots. As we have repeatedly witnessed over the past several years, all it takes to override our government’s performance of its constitutional duties and the will of the American people is a single activist judge with a contrary opinion to government policy and the voice of the people. A good case in point is how a handful of judges legalized same-sex marriage in America by overriding existing legislation and overruling the votes of millions of Americans. 
As bad as it has been, judicial activism has now taken on a more ominous aura. It is now usurping the powers of the presidency! Judge James Robart, a district judge in Seattle, Washington, has arrogantly usurped the powers of the presidency by daring to second guess and overrule the president in a matter of national security. Such hubris by this little activist judge ought to take our breath away. It becomes even more breathtaking, however, when we realize that Robart’s stay of our president’s executive order temporarily banning immigrants from entering our country from Islamic states that are known to harbor terrorists is based on nothing more than the judge’s personal opinion. The law in this matter is as clear as crystal, granting the president not only the power, but the constitutional prerogative to do what he has done. Yet, Judge Robart’s, in defiance of the law, has opted to impose his personal opinion as law, and in doing so has left his seat on the bench and seated himself behind the desk in the Oval Office.
To no one’s surprise, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, often called the “9th US Circus,” because of its often overturned, unlawful, liberal, and down right loony rulings, has found in favor of Judge Robart’s exercising of presidential powers and against such powers being exercised by our elected president. Go figure! Truly, our judiciary is out of control and now bordering on the usurpation of the office of the presidency.
As anyone knows, who has been following, as I have, the evolution of judicial activism in this country over the past few decades, liberals took to the courts years ago to impose their socialist ideology on America. They were well aware of the fact that they could not win in the arena of public opinion, at least not until they had indoctrinated enough younger generations through the public schools, the mainstream media, and the entertainment industry. They were also very much aware of the fact that they could not pass their socialist agenda on the floor of our government’s deliberative and legislative bodies. Therefore, they turned to the courts to force down our throats by judicial fiats their fowl, left-wing fare. Ever since, judicial despots have been cramming liberals’ socialist agenda down our gullets with their little gavels.
It is my understanding that there are close to fifty other lawsuits already filed by liberals against our president’s exercising of his presidential powers. Obviously, liberals are turning to the courts, the ace up their sleeve, to paralyze the Trump Presidency and to prevent our president from delivering on the promises he made to the American people, who voted him into office. One thing Donald Trump’s election to the presidency has definitely accomplished is the unmasking of present-day progressives. They’ve been clearly exposed as the epitome of everything they excoriate; such as, intolerance, suppression, violence, and hatred. We’re also seeing, if we’re paying close attention, that liberals will literally stop at nothing to impose on us their radical ideology, even if it means violating our will and revoking our rights underneath the feet of a parade of goose-stepping, black-robed, activist judges.
Right before our very eyes, judges are becoming kings. The bench has become a throne, gavels scepters, and black robes regal. We are presently witnessing in today’s America what a past Founding Father warned us about. Thomas Jefferson once said, “To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” Jefferson went on to add that granting the judiciary alone “the power of declaring what the law is” makes it into “a despotic branch” of government, makes judges into “despots,” and makes the Constitution into “a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.” According to Jefferson, this notion of judicial despotism must be rejected, lest the judiciary “slyly and without alarm” accomplish “what open force would not dare attempt”, namely, the undermining of our Constitution and the overthrow of our government.
The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote that the judiciary’s only firm foundation in America was found in the confidence placed in it by the American people. How much confidence do you have in today’s judiciary? Are you willing to exercise a blind faith in today’s judicial oligarchy, which treats our Constitution as a thing of wax, replaces it with their own personal opinions, and then deems all who refuse to submit to their dictates as anarchist, threatening the rule of law, or should I say lawyers, in America? 
An even bigger question than the one above is whether or not a Trump White House and Republican controlled Congress will submit to today’s judicial despotism. Will they defy the courts and by doing so free themselves from the shackles of their enslavers, liberals who have commandeer the courts in order to bring us into subjection under the iron, gavel wielding fists of tinpot jurist? And if so, what will be the result? Will it be outright civil war and the collapse of our country into utter chaos? Of course, the only other alternative is for us, as well as our executive and legislative branches of government, to continue to be beat into submission by the gavels of liberals’ cruel taskmasters, activists and despotic judges. What a mess this country is in! 
As some of you may remember, I opined, before last November’s election, that what we really need in America today is not referendum, but revolution. Alas, I fear there is not a revolutionary to be found among us, not in the White House, the House of Representatives, nor in your house. We’ve become a docile people playing by the rules imposed upon us by a liberal elite, who are hellbent on using those rules to rule over us. I guess Uncle Sam has learned to cry uncle!