September 20, 2016 @ 4:00 PM

I keep getting emails inviting me to events that are designed to convince pastors to call their congregations to the polls this November, because of all that is at stake in this year's presidential election. However, the undeniable truth, despite the fact that America's Christian community is in self-denial of it, is that nothing is really at stake anymore, since our country is already lost. Now, it gives me no pleasure to say such a thing and can only result in my ever-increasing unpopularity among my fellow evangelicals, not to mention ever-growing persecution from my fellow Americans. Still, what I'm saying should prove incontrovertible to the spiritually discerning and scripturally astute. I'm not saying it because I'm some kind of spiritual masochist, but because I'm captive to the truth, as I believe all Christians should be.
What I believe fuels the Christian's present-day delusion about the survival of our terminally ill country is the erroneous belief, spawned by our exalted opinion of self-importance, that there is always something we can do to change or correct things. If you, like me, have ever sit at the bedside of a dying loved one, you know how helpless you felt on that heartbreaking occasion. Granted, you may have earnestly prayed, but since it was not God's will to heal your loved one, your prayers proved ineffectual in saving your loved one's life.
It is a heartbreaking occasion in America today. We are sitting at the bedside of our dying country. Many folks are shouting at the top of their lungs for us to do something. In response, we can jump up and start putting Band Aids on our terminally ill country, but how foolish and futile an endeavor this will ultimately prove to be.
We can and should pray, but must realize, as the Scripture clearly teaches, that prayer is ineffectual to save a nation that has passed a point of no return with God. Here, many attempt to take me to task, accusing me of being some arrogant know-it-all who has the audacity to diagnose our country as spiritually reprobate. Yet, all I'm doing is confessing what my conscience, which is captive to God's Word, forces me to believe.
According to the Bible, the sure sign that people have become spiritually reprobate and abandoned by God to their reprobate minds is when they come to the place where they not only accept the sin of homosexuality, but begin to advocate it as well (Romans 1:18-32). In today's America, we've not only enshrined homosexuality in our laws, by legalizing same-sex marriage, but have also given homosexuals special civil rights and protections whereby they, thanks to their co-opting of the coercive powers of government, are able to threaten any Christian preaching Christ with financially ruinous civil suits or even criminal prosecution for inciting a hate crime. Yet, America's Christian community, in contradiction to what the Bible clearly teaches, still insists that our country is redeemable and that someone like me who insists that it isn't is both conceited and incorrigible.
I think what separates me from most Christians today is that I really believe what the Bible says. It's not, as others often argue, that I'm an arrogant know-it-all, as well as an unpatriotic and cynical defeatist. I'm just a poor saved sinner bound by my conscience to what the Bible says. Now, others try to skirt what I'm saying by dismissing it as merely my interpretation of what the Bible says, but what other interpretation of Romans 1:18-32 can there possibly be than that America has passed a point of no return with God?
I'm open to correction; in fact, I welcome it. I really hope someone can prove me wrong, because I don't want to believe what I'm being forced to believe by both the Scripture and God's Spirit. Yet, very few have ever attempted to prove me wrong. Don't get me wrong, lots of folks disagree with me, almost everybody, so it seems, but those who do normally resort to calling me names and accusing me of things. They never try to contradict my firm convictions and heartfelt contentions with any substantive argument. They just indict me and denounce me and run off to the polls to change America by punching a ballot for the lesser of two evils.
To prove the uselessness of healing our terminally ill country with a political prescription, permit me to repeat a recent Time Capsule. Though it will probably make you mad, once you stop seeing red, see if you can refute anything I said. When you couple the myth of "We the people" in modern-day America, with all the other current facts upon the ground in our country, not to mention what the Bible clearly teaches, there is only one inevitable conclusion you can come to. As we stated at the beginning of this post, much to all of our chagrin, there is really nothing at stake in this year's presidential election, since our country is already lost. It's on its death bed and we're sitting by its bedside brokenhearted.
It's time we faced the harsh and hard truth about WE THE PEOPLE in today's America. First, if we fail to be manipulated by its propaganda, WE THE PEOPLE are maligned by today's media. Second, the votes of WE THE PEOPLE are not only monopolized by a corrupt two party political system, but also easily overridden by gavel swinging judicial despots. Third, WE THE PEOPLE are no longer represented by our elected representatives, who only do what they deem best for their political careers rather than their constituencies. Fourth, WE THE PEOPLE are no longer being served by our government, but being subjugated to our government. We’re being ruled by the executive fiats of a dictatorial Chief Executive. We’re being fleeced by a pickpocketing Congress that has bankrupted our country in order to buy elections with ever-increasing entitlements. And we’re being coerced into conformity to political correctness by the threat of finically ruinous civil suits over any politically incorrect thinking. All in all, WE THE PEOPLE is nothing more today than a popular myth being kept alive by folks who refuse to face the facts about their predicament in a police state. Go ahead and cast your ballots, but the unpopular and unsettling truth is, they’re worth no more than the paper their printed on. The only real remedy for our present-day predicament is revolution, not referendum; and unfortunately, there’s not a revolutionary among us, only voters.