September 11, 2016 @ 7:00 AM

Today is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack upon our country. When I think of the falling of the Twin Towers on that infamous day in American history, I cannot help but think about the collapsing of the tower of Siloam in Jesus’ day. According to our Lord, the 18 people crushed by the collapsing tower of Siloam were not singled out by God for judgment as the worst sinners in Jerusalem (Luke 13:4-5). Likewise, the victims of 9/11 were not singled out by God for judgment as the worst sinners in America. However, both 9/11 and the collapsing tower of Siloam should be seen as harbingers of God’s coming judgment upon all the unrepentant. 
Jesus used tragedies, such as the collapsing of the Tower of Siloam and Pilate’s slaughter of Galilean worshippers at the temple (Luke 13:1-5), to call people to repentance. He taught the people of His day that they would “all likewise perish” if they did not repent of their sins against God. Interestingly, the inhabitants of an unrepentant Jerusalem were slaughtered by Roman authority and crushed beneath the collapsed walls and towers of the city when Titus the Roman destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. Failing to heed the ominous harbingers of God’s approaching judgment, Jerusalem was completely destroyed by God “in the days of [His] vengeance” upon the city’s hardhearted and Christ-rejecting inhabitants (Luke 21:20-24).
Has America heeded the ominous harbinger of God’s approaching judgement given to our God-forsaking nation on 9/11/01? Obviously not; in fact, our country has become arrogantly antichrist and more stiff-necked in its rebellion against God. We sinfully strut and flagrantly flaunt our depravity, actually glorying in the shame of our degeneracy. We turn our nose up at Christ, while wagging our defiant fist in the face of the Almighty. At the same time, we have no fear of God’s approaching vengeance upon our Christ-rejecting nation, feeling ourselves invulnerable, despite the fact that 19 boxcutter armed Muslims once proved how susceptible and defenseless we are to divine retribution.
I know my fellow Christians get annoyed and angry at me over my insistence that our spiritually reprobate nation is now doomed and destined to soon suffer the vengeance and wrath of Almighty God. Yet, I must continue to boldly proclaim what God has burnt into my heart, regardless of cost and consequence to myself. If God refused to spare Jerusalem and His own chosen people over their rejection of His Son and refusal to repent of their sins, how can we possibly believe that God will spare an unrepentant and Christ-rejecting America. On this 15 anniversary of 9/11, I appeal to you and yours to repent of your sin; otherwise, you will soon and surely perish on God’s approaching day of vengeance upon an antichrist America and its profane and perverse population.