August 17, 2016 @ 9:00 AM


I'm not a big bumper sticker fan. Whereas I have seen a few that gave me a chuckle, like the one on the bumper of a dairy truck that said, "Our milk is better than all the utters," I've never been one to put bumper stickers on my car. However, here's one I'd be tempted to put on my bumper, "I Love My Country But Fear My Government." Our government has become the most menacing thing when it comes to the future of our country, especially to the future of every genuine Christian within it. 

In Iowa, a state law now threatens a pastor's right to freely teach the Bible in his church. In Alabama, a State Supreme Court Justice is now facing charges from a judicial commission and is at risk of being removed from the bench, simply because he defends the Biblical definition of marriage. In California, a new law has passed the State Senate and is making its way through the State Assembly that will silence the faith of Christian colleges and universities. Our government is beginning to blatantly criminalize Christianity, without a peep of protest from either side of the political aisle or the vast majority of the American people. Any Christian in our land today could become a target of our antichrist government simply for believing in Christ and following His Word.

Truly, this serves as proof positive that the end is upon us. Dark days of unprecedented persecution and peril lie before us. Yet, most of God's children in America today prefer sticking their heads in the sandbox of modern-day politics to facing the harsh and hard reality that the biblically predicted end-time scenario is now manifesting itself right before our very eyes. Nothing can stop it, no political party, no political candidate, or no political activism on our part. The powers that are orchestrating it are spiritual and cannot be effected by political elections; indeed, elected political leaders are mere pawns in their hands being used by them to bring to pass God's preordained and predicted plans and purposes upon this planet. 

It's time for Christians in America to wake up to what is going on and to pray and preach like never before, while we can still preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our country. The night is now fast approaching within which no man can work (John 9:4), and no vain political promise made by some clueless political candidate that it's morning in America can keep the sun from setting on our Christ-rejecting country!