July 29, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

For days on end, I’ve been getting the most irritating email from Daily Events, the publication of so-called “Powerful Conservative Voices.” The email asks the question, “Is Hillary Morally Unfit to Be President?” Duh! Hillary Clinton is morally unfit to be anything but an incarcerated felon. But morality no longer matters in America; in fact, it not longer exists, having been replaced by individual subjective opinion. Every American today is free to make up their own moral code. The only roundly condemned wrong in today’s America is to deny every American the personal privilege of deciding for themselves what is right and wrong. To believe that morality is objective rather than subjective and that God, to whom we will all someday give an account, is the final arbiter of right and wrong, is to be condemned in today’s America as intolerant.
It doesn’t matter that Hillary Clinton is immoral and seen by the majority of the American people as a pathological liar. All that matters is that she is a woman. One’s gender is far more important in modern-day politics than one’s goodness. Just as America elected President Obama, a man without any moral character, on the basis of his skin color, many Americans are now poised to punch their ballots for Hillary, whose favorable ratings in the polls are lower than the belly of a slithering snake, because she is a female. All that mattered with Obama was that we proved America was not a nation of racists by voting for a biracial person with black skin pigmentation. Likewise, all that matters with Hillary is that we prove America is not a nation of sexists by voting for a woman. If Hillary wins and is reelected, which she probably will be, since any criticism or opposition to President Hillary will be condemned as sexism, just as any criticism and opposition to President Obama has been condemned as racism, I predict our next president will be a member of the LGBT community. After all, won’t America, if it survives eight years of “Heil Hillary,” want to use the 2024 presidential election to prove that we are not a nation of homophobes?
As the biblical story of Israel’s request to replace their divine potentate with a human monarch teaches, we should be careful what we ask for (1 Samuel 8:1-22). God just might give it to us! The reign of Israel’s King Saul led the nation to defeat, not to mention the fact that Saul himself was demonized. That our nation is now destined to disaster and being led by demonized leadership should be obvious to the scripturally astute and spiritually discerning. However, not only is the average American blind to these two things, but also to the obvious fact that we are getting in today’s America exactly what we’re asking for. We’ve not only decided to reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ, by denouncing biblical morality for moral relativism, but also to choose for ourselves two Christ-denying presidential candidates—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Therefore, whatever hell awaits us under either’s presidency will be nobody’s fault but our own. We’ll be getting exactly what we asked for!