July 16, 2016 @ 7:00 AM

In my opinion, Trump has picked the perfect VP for himself. Mike Pence is a man I once respected. In fact, he once referred to an article I wrote about him on his website. The article commended him for being one of the few Republicans in Congress with the courage to stand up for his conservative convictions. However, my present opinion of Pence has changed, having seen him turn into just another RINO right before my eyes.

I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "Money is power." You're probably also familiar with this popular quip about the so-called new Golden Rule, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." According to the Bible, "The love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10).

In 2015, Mike Pence, as Governor of Indiana, signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This law, passed by the state legislature, was intended to protect the religious freedoms of Christian business owners in Indiana from being forced by the LGBT community into compromising their Christian convictions in the conducting of their businesses. However, no sooner had Governor Pence signed the law than he turned around and gutted it. Why? Money!

Pence caved on his convictions under pressure from militant homosexuals and Indiana business leaders. When gays and their politically correct allies threatened to boycott Indiana over the new law, Indiana business leaders started crying "bloody murder" over the possibility of losing a nickel or two in profits. When money started talking everybody started listening and Indiana's Republicans, including Governor Pence, immediately jumped into the purses of their financial donors and used their donors' purse strings to hang Indiana's Christian business owners out to dry.

Here's a perfect example of how our present-day political system is so corrupt that it is beyond redemption. Today's peewee politicians are bought and paid for by big money. Not only can today's pint-sized statesmen not get on the ballot, much less elected without boo-coos of bucks, but once elected, their only hope of remaining in office is to remain tied to the purse strings of their financial backers.

Jesus once said, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:24). Well, we know who Pence serves, which makes him a perfect fit for the pocket of a billionaire presidential candidate, not to mention a little bicarbonate for Republican indigestion, since Pence helps the money-grubbing party bosses to stomach the Donald, who has too much money himself to have his hands tied with their purse strings.