June 15, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

We all know, at least those of us with at least a thimble full of sense, that Washington D.C. has become the most moronic metropolis in our modern-day world. It is filled with people who are an order of fries short of a Happy Meal. Yet, no subject proves how pea-brained Washington politicians are more than the subject of religion. Take our own president for an example. He professes to be a Christian, yet proves himself clueless of the faith he professes by denouncing its cardinal doctrines.
Islam, the Religion of the Sword, is as misunderstood in Washington D.C. as Christianity. A good example of this is Paul Ryan's recent comment that "Muslims are our partners.” If the Speaker of the House of Representatives knew anything about the two houses of Islam, he would realize the absurdity of his assertion.
Islam, the Religion of the Sword, got its name, as the old Smith Barney commercials used to say, “the old fashioned way." It earned it! Islam teaches that the whole world is divided into two houses. The first is “Dar al-Islam,” which means "the House of Islam." It is made up of our world's 1.7 billion Muslims. The second house is "Dar al-Harb,” which means "the House of War." It is made up of the rest of our world's population, with which all Muslims are at war. This "holy war," called jihad, is to be fought by all Muslims, which means "submitted ones," until all non-Muslims are brought into subjection to Allah, the god of Islam. This explains why the Koran, the Muslim’s bible, contains 123 references to fighting and killing for the cause of Allah.
If Speaker Ryan knew anything about Islam he would know that Islam is totally incompatible with our representative republic. Islam is more than a religion; it is a comprehensive way of life. In addition, the Koran, the Muslim bible, is not just understood by Muslims as the religious code of Islam, but also as the social, civil, criminal, commercial, economic, military, and political code of the Islamic state. According to the Koran, all people everywhere are to be brought under the control of the Islamic state and no opposition to the Islamic state is to ever be permitted. Obviously, in such a totalitarian state freedom of religion, assembly, speech, or the press is an impossibility.
It's safe to say that Speaker Ryan has to be off his rocker to believe that Muslims, whose faith is not only diametrically opposed to our way of life, but also demands its destruction, "are our partners" in America. To add insult to injury, as well as to further prove the dimwittedness of today's political dunderheads on the subject of religion, a lawyer for the ACLU has come out in condemnation of the "Christian Right" for the mass shooting this weekend in an Orlando gay nightclub by a Muslim terrorist. According to Chase Strangio, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union’s LGBT and AIDS projects, the blame for this weekend's mass murder should be laid at the feet of hate-mongering Christians, not peace loving Muslims, even though a Muslim, not a Christian, pulled the trigger.
Folks, I know most of you don't want to hear this, but isn't it time that we faced up to the fact that the foolishness with which our society is now being flooded can no longer be attributed to idiocy alone. There is something far more sinister going on than just simple stupidity. Like Judah in the days of the ancient Prophet Isaiah, modern-day America has become so steeped in sin that it is now sick in the head (Isaiah 1:4-5). Our iniquity has driven us insane! Furthermore, we are now being swamped with the biblically predicted end-time spirit of antichrist, which is engulfing our entire planet. Far from being a mere matter of derangement or dementedness, we're witnessing something positively demonic in our nation and world today. Folks aren't just dumb; they're demonized, curling their lip at Christ and bowing their knee to Beelzebub.