June 11, 2016 @ 8:30 AM

As everyone who knows me knows, I'm no devotee of the Donald. I'm flabbergasted by how mesmerized my fellow evangelicals are of this obvious charlatan in Christian clothing. Still, I want to make a salient point without being misrepresented as another johnny-come-lately who has joined the Trump entourage for no other reason than my horror at the prospect of Hillary Clinton occupying the Oval Office, despite how petrifying such a prospect is to me personally.
Donald Trump, who is threatening to build a wall along the U.S. and Mexican border, has recently been readily and roundly condemned as a racist for saying that a Mexican judge cannot render an impartial judgment in a case brought against Trump University. The judge, Gonzalo P. Curiel, is a second generation Mexican immigrant who has distributed scholarships to illegal aliens. In addition, he belongs to an organization that not only sends lawyers to the border to assist illegal immigrants, but whose name, "La Raza," literally means, "THE RACE." 
While Trump's recent comments about a particular Mexican judge has created a firestorm for him, Judge Sonia Sotomayor's past comments about white male judges in general failed to strike the least little spark against her. According Sotomayor, a female and "wise Latino" judge like herself will make better judicial decisions than white male judges. Instead of being excoriated in the press and called a racist, like Trump, Sotomayor ended up on the United States Supreme Court and is now called, "Madam Justice."
Paul Ryan, whose name lends itself well to the modern-day Republicans' well-worn moniker of RINO, condemned Donald Trump's comments about Judge Curiel as "textbook racism." Actually, textbook racism is not forming an opinion about a particular individual based on their personal background, beliefs and behavior. Instead, it is having preconceived ideas about an individual based solely upon their race. For instance, if you're really looking for an example of textbook racism, look no further than Hillary Clinton's recent comments about "systemic" white racism and racism being in the DNA of white people. According to Hillary, if you are white, you are a racist, because all white people are racist. This, my friend, is the textbook definition of racism, as well as prejudice.
I get tickled at all the conservative TV talking heads talking their heads off about the double standards in today's America. Don't these people realize that there are no double standards, but just new standards. What was once condemned as blackhearted racism and prejudice is now championed as the best way to fight them. The Hillary Clintons, Sonia Sotomayors, and even Paul Ryans of our day are policing our thoughts and transforming our country into a police state, with the pistol of prejudice holstered on their hips. Of course, none of them are prejudice, just any of us who refuse to parrot their politically correct talking points.