October 20, 2016 @ 10:00 AM

For Hillary Clinton, presidential debates with Donald Trump have proven to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Trump is such a flawed candidate for the presidency that he is an easy target, not only to shoot at, but to hit with Hillary’s quick triggered tongue. It’s not just that Mr. Trump brings into his race for the White House a lifetime of accumulated damning evidence against his fitness for the Oval Office, but that every time he opens his mouth he provides the Clinton Campaign with more fodder for the fire of his political pyre. Granted, one could argue that Mrs. Clinton is so scarred by the multitude of her past and present political scandals that she is as grotesque a candidate for the presidency as there has ever been in all of America history. Yet, herein lies the irony of this year’s presidential election. 
If Mrs. Clinton was running against anyone else besides Mr. Trump, her scandalous scars would repel voters from coming out to the polls to vote for her as their POTUS. However, the fact that Mr. Trump is the one candidate in America that voters find more repulsive than Mrs. Clinton is resulting in voters being pushed to the polls out of their disdain for Trump rather than pulled to the polls out of their respect for Hillary, who voters see as slightly less deplorable than the Donald. Thus, in the end we have the irony of all ironies: Trump’s ticked-off troopers who elected him as their nominee for the presidency in hopes of marching on Washington and ridding it of its scoundrels have now assured the election to the White House of the greatest political scoundrel of all time. 
Far from draining the Washington swamp, as they had hoped to do, Trump’s ticked-off troopers have succeeded in deepening it, by assuring the election of “Swamp Thing” to the presidency of the United States. Truly, there is no bounds to the foolishness of the folks in modern-day America. If this was not so lamentable, it would be laughable, but, unfortunately, the joke is on us and our children
One thing every American should take careful notice of from last night’s presidential debate and its ensuing headlines today is the universal condemnation of Donald Trump for refusing to guarantee the American people that he will accept as legitimate the result of this year’s presidential election. This refusal by Trump is being readily and roundly condemned today as an outright attack on our democracy and a serious threat to the very foundation of our republic. In other words, if Trump refuses to legitimize our corrupt political system, the collusion of our federal government with the Clinton Campaign to coverup the crimes of the Clintons, widespread voter fraud, and the manipulation of the American electorate by a propagandizing mainstream media, he, not all of these other things, is imperiling our representative republic.
Folks, please, LISTEN UP! I know most Americans can’t stand the “ravings” of this crazy old preacher, but I’ve been saying for a long time that the coming world leader of an antichrist world determined to stamp out the Christian Faith once and for all will be an American president. As the Book of Revelation predicts, the end-time world leader will be the world’s final Caesar. Rome’s Caesars were the greatest dictators of all time, because they were seen as the tribunes of the people. Therefore, to oppose the Caesars, regardless of the atrocities they perpetrated, was to oppose the people and to threaten the Roman Empire. With such immunity from any and all opposition the Caesars were able to beat with their iron fists everyone into subjugation to them throughout the whole Roman Empire.
It was Samuel Johnson who said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” When our government, like the Roman Caesars, can deflect not only all opposition to its atrocities, but even any criticism of its crimes, by simply condemning all of its antagonists as enemies of America, it is well on its way to beating us all with its iron fists into absolute subjugation to itself. Now, I’m not saying that if elected president Hillary Clinton will prove to be the biblically predicted end-time leader of an antichrist world. What I am saying, however, is our country is now dangerously close to becoming something positively beastly with a beastly leader sitting in the Oval Office exercising unrestrained power over us all.