July 30, 2015 @ 9:30 AM

Any American funding an organization that takes innocent lives in order to sell their body parts would be subject to criminal prosecution for his or her part in so heinous a crime. What happens, however, when the organization is Planned Parenthood and the funding for their heinous crime is being confiscated by our government from the pockets of taxpayers? The answer is "Nothing," which serves as proof positive of the moral bankruptcy of both present-day political parties.


Democrats argue that nothing needs to be done, since taxpayer dollars are not used by Planned Parenthood to fund abortions. That's like saying it was alright to financially contribute to the Third Reich as long as your donations were used to operate backhoes to dig massive graves rather than to pay the gas bill to operate the ovens at Auschwitz. As I've stated for a long time, without hesitancy or apology, modern-day Democrats are godless. They may feign faith in God, but their championing of godlessness in our society proves their faith spurious. As Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them" (Matthew 7:20). Christ taught that it would be better for you to have a "millstone hanged about your neck" and for you to be "drowned in the depth of the sea" than for you to even "offend one of these little ones" (Matthew 18:6). How much worse will it be for Democrats and their supporters when they stand before God with the blood of more than 57 million aborted children on their hands? To pretend that Democrats who refuse to bat an eye at the monstrous evil of Planned Parenthood are godly is absolutely preposterous.


When it comes to modern-day Republicans, I used to say that they are gutless, lacking the intestinal fortitude to stand up for righteousness and against evil. However, I'm rethinking my opinion of the Grand Old Party. While I still believe they worship at the altar of political expediency, unwilling to stand on principle whenever they fear it may cost them at the polls, I've now concluded that they are as godless as Democrats. The only difference between the two equally godless parties being the straightforwardness of Democrats and the subtlety of Republicans. Whereas Democrats promise upfront to fight for evil, Republicans, who are just as intent as Democrats to see the perpetuation of evil in our society, feign to be against it in order to fool gullible voters into casting their ballots for Republican candidates.


According to John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, there is nothing that can be done about the monstrous evil of Planned Parenthood, since a vote to defund Planned Parenthood would neither make it out of Congress nor escape a Presidential veto. Thus, Republicans, true to their turncoat colors, defend their inaction against evil's continual permeation of our society with the argument that the fight for the right should not even be fought, since it cannot be won. If every courageous soul who has ever dared to stand for righteousness against unsurmountable odds had been an adherent to the political philosophy of modern-day Republicans, then, evil would have advanced unopposed and unimpeded throughout human history. What present-day Republicans appear oblivious to is that fighting for the truth is all that matters, not winning political skirmishes or public elections. For instance, one of the last events in the life of our Lord was His losing of a public election by a landslide to a common criminal (Matthew 27:15-26). Of course, Christ could have fared much better in this public election and possibly escaped execution on the cross if He had just been willing to compromise the truth. But, alas, Christ felt that the truth was something worth dying for. Not only was He willing to lose an election over it, but He was willing to lose His life over it. As a result, He changed the world. Unlike Christ, today's Republican Party, along with scores of its snookered supporters, believe the way to change America is by compromising the truth in order to win public elections. Far from being willing to be crucified in the press over a political fight to defund the unconscionable evil of Planned Parenthood, godless Republicans, just like godless Democrats, refuse to bat an eye over the slaughter of the innocents and the selling of their body parts by the American equivalent of Joseph Mengele, namely, Planned Parenthood. Oh my God; what kind of a country are we now living it?