June 12, 2015 @ 12:30 PM

I’ve received two emails recently that speak volumes about where we are in America today. The first email was about a new survey from the Pew Research Center that shows our country’s majority support for the legalization of same-sex marriage at an all-time high. This, despite the fact that a majority of Americans were opposed to same-sex marriage just five years ago. Obviously, this same-sex marriage snowball is not only growing, but rapidly rolling downhill at breakneck speed in a spiritually reprobate America. 


The other email was about how our governor, Rick Scott, signed into law yesterday a bill that removes the ban on same-sex couples adopting children in Florida. Notably, our governor signed this bill despite the futile attempts of Christians in our state to lobby him against it, for fear that his signing of it would subject all faith based adoption agencies in Florida to legal attack by militant homosexuals and their allies. The key word in the preceding sentence is "futile," for it is as futile to fight the spiritual reprobation of today's America with the lobbying of politicians as it is to attack the devil with a feather duster or the fires of Hell with a squirt gun. Still, most Christians today continue to wield their feather dusters and water pistols rather than unsheathe the Sword of the Spirit, which alone is the power of God unto salvation (Ephesians 6:17; Romans 1:16). What are you fighting with?