Introduction: Zephaniah, like the Prophet Nahum, was called by God to predict impending divine retribution upon a people for whom revival didn’t last. In Nahum’s case, it was the revival spawned in Nineveh by the preaching of the Prophet Jonah that didn’t last. In Zephaniah’s case, it was the revival spawned in Jerusalem by the reforms of the righteous King Josiah that didn’t last.
Zephaniah 1-3 — Zephaniah pronounced God's pending judgment upon Judah for extinguishing past revival fires with its present unrepentant sins.
Zephaniah 3:12 — The greatest impediment to spirituality may be prosperity and the greatest impetus poverty, for it is the afflicted, not the affluent, who are most aware of their need of God.
Jesus taught that it is hard for the rich—those made haughty by their wealth—to enter into the Kingdom of God (Mark 10:24). He also taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is had by "the poor in spirit"—those made humble by their want (Matthew 5:3).