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For the life of me, I can't understand how any American can vote for any candidate of a political party that continuously insults the intelligence of all Americans. It's not just that Democrats are bad liars, just like most Republicans, but that they are so brazen about it as to be bald-faced in it, even when surrounded by clear and incontrovertible evidence that not only contradicts their lies, but also lays bare their chicanery. Truly, the only explanation for such brazenness is Democrats' belief in the brainlessness of the American people.

To believe that Joe Biden, as he insinuated in last night's Oval Office address, suddenly had an epiphany this past Sunday to withdraw from his run for reelection, so that he could pass the torch to his political party's younger generation, is to definitely prove yourself daft and deserving of having your intelligence insulted. Everyone in America knows that Ole Joe was pushed out of his run for reelection to the presidency by the old guard of his political party—Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi—over his cognitive impairment. However, this easily verifiable fact has to be veneered over, lest Democrats be forced to fess up to their villainy.


To begin with, villainous Democrats are guilty of covering-up the cognitive impairment of America's Commander-in-Chief for the last three and a half years, so that they could covertly govern our nation behind the scenes. Second, villainous Democrats have also nullified the votes of millions of primary voters, in order for their party to handpick the presidential candidate of its own choosing. And finally, these villains are now attempting to fool us into believing that a mentally incompetent man is a vivacious transitional president rather than a very troubling one. It all boils down to one of two things, either Democrats have cooked their own goose or America's goose is cooked, thanks to the fact that Democrats are right about the American people being as dumb as a box of rocks. 


I guess we'll find out which it is this coming November. Will the majority of Americans prove to be disgusted and finally fed up with Democrats or still dumb enough to once again be fooled by Democrats? One thing we can know for sure, if Democrats do pass the torch to their younger generation, it will be used not only to burn the American flag, like yesterday at Union Station in Washington D.C., but also to burn down America. Are we stupid enough not only to let this happen, but also to go to the polls and actually vote for our own incineration? Time will tell.