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Between Israel and Deep Blue States

Wednesday's assault on DC Park Police by thousands of anti-Israel protestors and pro-Hamas American flag-burners is the new face of the antisemitic wing of the Democratic Party. To win Michigan in November's upcoming presidential election, as well as to help win other states as well, such as Minnesota, Democrats must appease and coddle their anti-Israel and antisemitic Muslim voters. They must somehow play both ends against the middle—their Jewish voters against their antisemitic Muslim voters—without getting caught in the middle and antagonizing one or the other, or even both. Needless to say, this is putting Democrats in many untenable predicaments. For instance, consider the following.

First, Democrats condemned unarmed protestors on January 6th as insurrectionists for disrupting Congress, but did not condemn two of their own as insurrectionists for doing the same thing. Muslim Congressman Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm to disrupt a congressional vote on legislation he disapproved of and Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib led anti-Israel protestors to breech the US Capital and takeover the Capital rotunda. Yet, neither were condemned for insurrection, but both were given a pass rather than prosecuted and imprisoned like January 6th protestors.   


Second, last Wednesday, while the American flags at Washington DC's Union Station were being pulled down and burned, so that Palestinian flags could be hoisted and flown in their place, more than half of Democrat House members, along with almost half of all Democrat Senators, boycotted Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress. While radical Muslim Rashida Tlaib, who not only decorates her congressional office door with the Palestinian flag, but who was also cheered by her fellow-Democrats when a congressional vote failed to censor her for her antisemitic rhetoric, did attend Netanyahu's speech, she held up a fan sign during it, until she was told to put it down, which read on one side "War Criminal" and on the other "Guilty of Genocide." According to Democrats, like Rashida Tlaib and all of those who boycotted Netanyahu's speech Wednesday, Israel's Prime Minister is a “war criminal” and “guilty of genocide” for leading Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East, to fight for its very survival against Hamas terrorists, the genocidal maniacs who invaded Israel on October 7th and barbarically slaughtered over twelve hundred innocent Israelis, including little children and infants.


Third, Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ undemocratically coronated candidate for president, like so many of her fellow-Democrats, also skipped out on Netanyahu’s speech. Her lame excuse, undoubtedly offered to exonerate her for doing so in the eyes of Jewish voters, was that she had a “previous engagement.” Apparently, Cackling Kamala, who wants to be our next Commander-in-Chief, felt that speaking to a college sorority was more important than supporting our closest ally in the Middle East, which is not only the earth’s foremost enflamed tinderbox, but potentially about to break out into a much wider war and possible nuclear war, with the mad mullahs of Iran now just weeks away from a nuclear weapon. Still, Kamala couldn’t afford to be seen seated behind Netanyahu Wednesday or applauding anything he had to say, least she estrange herself from the pro-Hamas and antisemitic wing of her political party, which she desperately needs in her corner as she campaigns to be Democrats’ next puppet president.


Adding insult to injury, two-faced and double-dealing Kamala met with Netanyahu on Thursday, in an obvious attempt to placate Jewish ballot punchers. During her meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister, she promised that a Harris’ presidency—GOD FORBID—would have Israel’s back. However, as soon as her meeting with Netanyahu was over, she pivoted and stabbed him in the back, in an obvious attempt to placate pro-Palestinian and antisemitic ballot punchers. This double-crossing wannabe president, promptly demanded an immediate ceasefire, which would not only save Hamas, but spare all of its surviving terrorists to fulfill their vow to repeat their October 7th massacre of innocent Israelis again and again.


Our expression, “Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea,” originated with the Biblical story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, in particularly with Israel being caught between the deep blue waters of the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s pursuing army. Today, it’s Democrats who are caught in this perilous predicament. However, Democrats are not caught like Israel between the devil and the deep blue sea, but between Israel and Democrats’ deep blue states, which are populated in part by radical antisemites. Therefore, Democrats’ difficult dilemma, not to mention impossible predicament, is how to win over all of their antisemitic voters, without alienating all of their Jewish voters, in order to prevail and win November’s presidential election. 


The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). It’s beginning to look like one of the best ways to do so today is to pray for the political destruction of America’s Democratic Party.