Introduction: The Gospel of Luke is the first part of a two-part work written by Luke, the beloved physician. In the second part, the Acts of the Apostles, Luke writes about the birth of the church and its launching of a worldwide evangelistic movement in obedience to Christ's Great Commission. In the first part, his Gospel, Luke gives us the most historically detailed account of the life of Christ, who is portrayed by this Gentile author of a Gospel as both the Son of Man and Savior of the world.
Luke 1:1 — There are certain truths that are most certainly believed among all true Christians, such as salvation by faith alone in Christ alone. Anyone not believing these certain truths is certainly no Christian, regardless of their presumed Christian profession.
Although the Christian faith is professed by many in the world today, it is possessed by few in the world today. Make no mistake about it, you’re not a Christian simply because you say so, but only if the Bible says so.
Luke 1:4 — The Christian Faith is founded on firm certainties—historical fact and God’s objective truth—not flimsy conjecture—human feelings and man’s subjective opinions.
Luke 1:5-10 — All God’s priests have their appointed lot in life; that is, their allotted service. (1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:6)
Luke 1:39-41 — Instead of leaping in his mother's womb at six months, John the Baptist could be aborted in today's America.
Luke 1:46-47 — Like Mary, Christians should also magnify the Lord and rejoice in God our Savior for having divinely chosen us as choice vessels through whom Christ can be brought to the world.
Far from claiming her own immaculate conception, Mary celebrated her Son’s incredible conception, knowing that she, as much as any other sinner, needed the Savior she had miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Luke 2:9-14 — That Christ's birth is good tidings of great joy to all people universally is truly amazing, but that He was born for you personally is most astonishing!
Luke 2:10-11 — The most incredible thing about the miracle of Christmas is not that it is good news to "all people," as incredible as that is, but that Christ's birth is good news for "you" personally!
Luke 2:10-11 — That Christ came into the world for “all people” is incredible good news, but that He came into the world for “you” is incomprehensible great news!
Luke 2:14 — Contrary to popular opinion, Christ did not come the first time to bring peace on earth, but to bring peace with God to all recipients of God's grace. He is coming a second time, however, to bring peace on earth. (Matthew 10:34; Isaiah 2:4)
Luke 2:19 — Many a loving mother has pondered in her heart many precious memories of her beloved children, but none have been as precious as those Mary pondered in her heart of God's beloved Son.
Luke 2:51 — Unbeknownst to the world, the greatest treasures are stored in the hearts of mothers, and no mother’s heart was ever a greater treasure trove than Mary’s.
Luke 2:52 — Pray for your children to have Christlike childhoods—to increase in wisdom and stature, as well as in favor with God and man.
Luke 3:8 — Salvation is neither inherited from religious parents nor acquired by the practice of religion. Instead, it requires repentance—our turning from sin with a broken heart and our turning to the Savior with all of our heart!
The message has never changed. It was preached by the prophets, the apostles, John the Baptist, and by Christ Himself, who also commissioned His church to preach it to the world. It is the message of repentance, apart from which there is no hope for man's redemption.
Luke 4:27 — Naaman's cleansing from leprosy, like the sinner's cleansing from sin, could not be bought, but only obtained by complying with God’s offensive and most improbable prescription. For Naaman, it was 7 ducks in a muddy river, for the sinner, it's a cross. (Galatians 5:11)
God cures and cleanses those who will receive His Word, like Naaman the Syrian, but not those who reject His Word, like Israel in the time of Elisha.
Luke 4:28-30 — You can't do away with Christ, but must do something with Him. And what you do with him now will determine what He will do with you later.
Luke 4:28-30 — The indestructible Christ cannot be thrown off a cliff, He'll just walk through the crowd. He cannot be drowned, He'll just walk on the water. And he cannot be burned, He'll just walk around in the fire.
Luke 5:1-11 — To successfully fish for men’s souls, we must let down our nets at the Master’s word; otherwise, no matter how long and hard we work, no convert will be caught by us for Christ.
Luke 5:1-11 — To become successful fishers of men we must leave the spiritual shallows, forsake other things, and faithfully follow Christ.
Luke 5:12-14 — The question of divine healing is not whether or not it is possible, but whether or not it is providential. If it is, its performance will be both confessable and confirmable, leaving no question about it.
Luke 6:45 — From the storeroom of our hearts stem the words of our mouth. Therefore, our talk tells the truth about our hearts, whether they treasure good or evil.
Whatever your mouth speaks is from the store of your heart. Therefore, what you say shows what's in your heart.
Luke 6:46 — Here's two words no one can ever say, “No Lord!" The reason is, the moment you say, “No,” Jesus is no longer your Lord.
Luke 7:1-10 — Christ honors great faith, because great faith greatly honors Him, by believing that under the authority of His Father He has all authority over all things.
The centurion understood that just as he had authority over those under him, as long as he was under the authority of those over him, Christ had authority over all things, even sickness, as long as He was under the authority of the One over Him, God the Father.
Luke 7:34 — Jesus was accused by His adversaries of being a friend of sinners. It is the only accusation ever leveled against our Lord of which He was guilty. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the best friend any sinner ever had!
Luke 8:4 — People naturally come together when they come to Christ, but all attempts at togetherness around other things will prove shortsighted and short-lived.
Luke 8:6, 13 — In Jesus' parable of the sower, the soil among the rocks represents a spurious faith, a faith that falls far short of salvation. It is a faith that proves fleeting, failing the test and falling away in a time of temptation.
Luke 8:6, 13 — The soil among the rocks represents the shallow convert, he or she who professes Christ, without ever professing Christ.
Luke 8:10 — The common contemporary Christian cannot understand the uncommon truths Christ privately speaks to His intimate inner circle.
“I seldom preach on what my own soul delights, for the common people can bear it not” (Charles Finney)
Luke 8:22-25 — All it takes to calm our soul on the stormy seas of life is for Christ, who commands the storms and the seas, to stand up in our hearts and say, “Peace be still.”
It was not the raging sea, the howling wind, the crashing thunder, or the flashing lightening that awakened and aroused Christ, but the distressed cries of His frightened disciples, who, because of their fearfulness and faithlessness, were rebuked by Christ along with the wind.
Luke 8:35-37 — Christ is unwelcomed where the natives are unnerved by His works.
Luke 8:43-48 — Tremendous power comes out of Jesus whenever true faith reaches out to touch Him. Unlike the press of the crowd, the true touch of faith brings the peace of Christ.
Luke 9:13 — When Jesus said to His disciples, “Give ye them to eat,” He wasn’t calling them to come up with a plan, but to expect a miracle. He wasn’t asking them to fill around in their pockets, but to have absolute faith in His power.
Luke 9:25 — To win this fleeting world at the forfeiture of yourself is to be forever shortchanged.
Luke 9:26 — To be ashamed of allegiance to Christ or adherence to His Word is a personal attestation of one’s alienation from God.
Although Christ has numerous reasons to be ashamed of us, we have no reason to be ashamed of Him.
Luke 9:43-45 — Ignorance of God's Word is often the result of our reluctance to inquire about it, because we are so ill at ease over it. Still, it's better to be troubled by the truth than to be imperturbably ignorant about it.
Luke 9:49-50 — Those who fight against the cause of Christ are not the friends, but the foes, of all Christians.
Others don't have to be your clone or a member of your church to work miracles in Christ's name.
Luke 10:13 — The blindness of unrepentance is hardest to heal, for the unrepentant are blind to the works of Christ and have a blurry image of man, seeing him as innately good rather than sinful and therefore in need of neither repentance nor redemption. (Mark 8:22-26; Matthew 11:21)
Luke 10:16 — To reject and despise Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to reject and despise God the Father.
Luke 10:25-37 — It’s not just a true neighbor, like the Good Samaritan, but true religion, unlike that of the priest and the Levite, that mercifully ministers to the indigent and injured.
If a religion is unneighborly, as well as unloving and unmerciful, it is unarguably unauthentic.
Luke 10:38-42 — The only school a Christian needs to attend is "Mary's College," which is located at the feet of Jesus. For the only thing we need to do to live our lives as Christ intends is to live our lives listening intently to Him.
Luke 10:38-42 — The only thing we need to do to live our lives as Christ intends is to live our lives sitting at His feet listening intently to Him!
Contrary to popular opinion, relationship is not the result of service, but service is the result of relationship. We do not have a right relationship with Christ because we faithfully serve Him, but we faithfully serve Him because we have a right relationship with Him!
Luke 10:38-42 — It is a misspent life that's spent in the frantic service of Christ rather than sitting at the feet of Christ.
Christ never asks of us such busy labor
As leaves no time for resting at His feet:
The waiting attitude of expectation
He often counts a service most complete.
And yet He does love service, where it’s given
By grateful love that clothes itself in deed,
But work that’s done beneath the scourge of duty,
Be sure, He gives to such but little heed.
Then seek to please Him, whatsoever He bids thee,
Whether to do, to suffer, or lie still;
Twill matter little by what path He led us,
If in it all we sought to do His will.
Luke 11:1 — Prayer is the only thing the disciples ever asked Christ to teach them how to do, which should speak volumes to us about the importance of prayer.
Luke 11:1 — The first step in learning how to pray—how to wield the most powerful force in the world—is to ask Christ, the Master of the fine art of prayer, to teach us to pray.
Luke 11:1 — Believing Christ's prayer life was the secret of His miraculous life, the disciples asked Christ to teach them how to pray, in hopes that by learning how to pray as he prayed they would be enabled to live as He lived.
Luke 11:1 — Prayer is an art that must be learned. It cannot be mastered without much study and practice. It is not the mere pronouncement of thoughtless verbiage, but something performed by a masterfully trained virtuoso.
Luke 11:5-10 — True prayer is an attitude of the heart. It is living with a midnight mentality, a constant consciousness that our cupboards are bare, Christ's are full, and we're totally reliant upon Him to meet our needs, as well as the needs of those to whom we minister.
Luke 11:27-28 — It is not Catholic adherence to Mariology, but Christian adherence to Bibliology that is blessed by God.
Luke 12:15 — Although our world assesses our worth by the value of our possessions, our Lord taught us that our life does not consist of the things which we possess. To measure a man by his material wealth is to measure a man with a crooked yardstick.
Luke 12:16-21 A fool is obsessed with his earthly financial security, but totally oblivious to his eternal security and immortal soul. While he may have a brilliant portfolio in the here and now, he'll be a bankrupt pauper in the hereafter.
Luke 12:25 — Worry is life's greatest exercise in futility, since it changes nothing and cannot accomplish a thing.
Luke 12:39 — No one is more vulnerable to the thieving Tempter than one who opposes his existence or is oblivious to his presence.
Luke 12:42-46 — According to Jesus, a pastor—a steward over God's household—is to feed those in God's house "meat in due season"; that is, to address the issues of the day with the truths of God's Word. A pastor failing to do so is unfaithful to Christ and his congregation. (Matthew 24:45-51)
Luke 13:10-17 — It takes the uplifting Word and loving hands of the Great Physician to heal, free, and lift up those who are bound by the devil with a "spirit of infirmity" and thereby rendered unable to lift up themselves.
Not all sickness is purely physical, produced by disease, some is spiritual, induced by the devil.
Luke 13:17 —Christ’s foes are humiliated by His glaring words, but His followers are made happy by His glorious works.
Luke 14:25-33 — Contrary to popular opinion, there is no such thing as a crossless Christian or a costless Christianity. To follow Christ requires forsaking all.
Luke 15:25-32 — Only a child of God who is ignorant of God’s perpetual presence with him and of God’s plentiful provisions for him can possibly accuse God of some injustice towards him.
Luke 16:1-13 — When it comes to getting ahead in this world, the crooked and shrewd non-Christian, who lives for money, has an advantage over the charitable and honest Christian, who lives for God. However, it is the Christian who has all the advantage in the world to come.
Luke 16:13 — The only thing Jesus directly cited as a competitor with God in our lives was money. Money is also the subject the Master most talked about during His earthly sojourn. So how important is it to keep money in proper perspective and from ever rivaling God for our affection? (Matthew 6:24)
Luke 16:29-31 — Neither miraculous signs nor merciless plagues can persuade the hard hearts of the unregenerate to repent of their sin. Only the Scripture and the Spirit can convince sinners to come to Christ, God's Son, for their salvation. (Revelation 9:20; 16:9)
Luke 16:31 — It is by the Word of God and the Spirit of God alone that sinners are convicted of their sins and convinced of their need of a Savior, not by some supernatural phenomenon, spellbinding sermon, or stupendous Gospel sales pitch.
It is by the power of God alone that men are saved, not by the power of human persuasion. (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
Luke 17:3-4 — Christ’s forgiveness, unlike His love, is not unconditional. It is contingent upon our repentance. Likewise, the Christian's forgiveness is contingent upon others' repentance. If they repent, we must forgive! However, we are not obligated to forgive the unrepentant.
Luke 17:5-6 — The strength of our faith is not found in its amount, but in its object, as Christ’s taught His disciples when they prayed for increased faith. According to Jesus, placing your meager mustard seed faith in Him is enough for it to prove miraculous. On the other hand, abundant faith in anything else is completely incapable of miraculously moving a thing.
Luke 17:7-10 — Servants of Christ should not expect extraordinary blessings for faithfully bearing the daily burden of ordinary service.
Luke 17:7-10 — To the sincere servant of Christ, service to Christ is sufficient reward. He or she does not seek gratitude or gratuity from God, but is grateful to be used by God for His glory!
Luke 17:7-10 — God has no obligation to thank us for our obedience, since our obedience to Him is obligatory for us!
Luke 17:20-21 — If the kingdom of God is not within us it is neither possessed by us nor are we a part of it!
Luke 17:28-30 — The last days shall be like Lot’s days, men will impulsively persist in the practice of their depravity until certain doom suddenly and surprisingly descends upon them.
Luke 17:32 — Jesus cautioned us to remember Lot's wife, the epitome of hypocrisy and apostasy. By turning away from God's salvation to turn back toward sinful Sodom, she was turned into a pillar of salt.
Luke 18:1-8 — Although a just God is pleased rather than pestered by persevering prayer, it is the praying “pest” who persistently peppers Heaven with his pleas whose prayers prove to be prevailing.
Luke 18:1-8 — If persistent appeals can pester an unjust judge to administer justice on behalf of a wronged widow, how positive should the saints be that their persistent prayers will persuade their just God to administer justice on their behalf when they are wronged?
Luke 18:9-14 — The self-righteous pray to themselves, being ignored by God, but the repentant sinner not only prays to God, but is heard by Him and justified. No more important prayer will we ever pray than the prayer of the publican.
Luke 18:11 — All religious hypocrites pray to themselves, because God pays no attention to them.
Luke 19:10 — Jesus Christ did not come into the world seeking a new social order nor to save sinful society, but to seek and to save sinners, for He knew that the only hope of transforming society was the transformation of sinners.
The world won't change until men change; men won't change until Christ changes them; and for Christ to change them the church must tell men about Him.
Luke 19:45-46 — Christ cleansed the temple twice, once at the beginning of His ministry and again at the end, proving that the purity of His house means more to Him than its popularity! (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-17)
Luke 19:46 — Christ did not say that His house would be a house of sermons, singing, and socializing, but a house of prayer. Unfortunately, the contemporary church has no shortage of sermons, songs, and socials, but a serious scarcity of prayer. (Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17)
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere." (Leonard Ravenhill)
Luke 21:1-4 — God does not assess the true value of our gifts to Him by the amount we give, but by the amount we have leftover afterward.
Luke 22:28-29 — While Jesus Christ faithfully continues to be with us in our trials and temptations, the real question is: "Do we faithfully continue on with Him, in spite of them?"
Christ appoints His kingdom to those who always stand alongside Him and suffer along with Him!
Luke 22:31-32 — When Satan sifts the saints, the saints must remember that God has given Satan permission to do it, Christ will pray us through it, and we'll be prepared by it to strengthen others after it.
Luke 22:31-32 — A saint cannot be sifted by Satan without Satan securing the permission of the Savior and the Savior praying for the saint. Also, any sifting Christ consents to is intended by Him to strengthen the faith of the saint so that he can strengthen the faith of others.
Luke 22:31-32 — Whenever you find yourself in Satan’s sifting hand, remember your Savior is praying for you at Sovereignty's right hand.
Luke 22:35-36 — Contrary to popular opinion, Jesus Christ was no pacifist, but actually taught His disciples to purchase a sword. Far from being averse to it, Christ actually advocated the bearing of arms.
Luke 22:44 — Anguish is the call of the Almighty to more earnest prayer. Our supplications never rise higher to God then when our sweat drops like blood to the ground.
Luke 22:53 — You must believe in the desperate wickedness of the human heart in the hour of darkness; lest you end up mistakenly believing in the nobility of human nature, squeezed into the world’s mode, and under the mastery of the malignant powers of darkness. (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:2)
Luke 23:11-12 — Regular adversaries form irregular alliances out of their mutual antagonism toward Christ.
Luke 23:33 — In His own world, God often appears to play a losing game. Therefore, never mistake the seeming successes of sinners for divine defeats, for a Calvary is never what it seems.
Luke 24:2 — The stone was not rolled away from Jesus’ tomb so that He could get out, but so that others could see in.
If you look into the tombs of the founders of all other world religions, you’ll find them occupied, but if you look into the tomb of Jesus Christ, you’ll find it empty.
Luke 24:7 — There are three great pillars of the Gospel of Jesus Christ—His incarnation, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. Without His swaddling clothes in the manger, He would have had no crown of thorns on the cross nor folded grave clothes in the empty tomb!
Both the cross of Calvary and the empty garden tomb are traceable back to Bethlehem’s manger.
Luke 24:44 — All Scripture is fulfilled in Christ!
Luke 24:46-47 — Christ commissioned us to preach the three Rs of the Gospel—resurrection, repentance, and remission. Because of His death and resurrection, the sins of repentant sinners can be remitted by God.
What hope is there of revival in a country that renounces repentance as intolerance, the preaching of it as hate speech, and all who preach it as hate mongers, inciting hate crimes?
Luke 24:47 — Christ commissioned us to preach repentance to the world. Tragically, today’s world condemns the preaching of repentance as intolerance and all who preach it as intolerant. What hope of remission of sins is there in a world so immune and inimical to repentance?
Luke 24:49 — Many a task is taken up in human strength by those who should have tarried for the divine power of the Holy Spirit!