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Tweeting Through Romans


Introduction: The book of Romans is Paul's epistle (letter) to Christians in Rome. It contains the greatest treatise in the Bible on the cardinal Christian doctrine of justification by faith.

Romans 1:1-3 — A true servant and representative of Jesus Christ is a preacher of the Gospel, which is the Good News of God foretold by His prophets and fulfilled by His Son, who He sent into this world as the seed of David to forever reign on David’s throne.

Romans 1:4  A man claiming to be God and promising to prove it by conquering the grave is undoubtedly proven to be who He claims to be by His resurrection from the dead. (Romans 1:4)

Jesus Christ, who  claimed to be God, can’t be just a good man or a great teacher. Instead, He has to be either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. If He claimed to be God and knew He wasn’t God, then, He is a liar. If He wasn’t God, but thought Himself to be God, then, He is a lunatic. However, if He claimed to be God and proved it, by rising from the dead, as He promised He would, then, He is the Lord! You must decide for yourself who Jesus is. Remember, His tomb is empty and your decision will determine your eternal destiny.  

Romans 1:4If a man claims to be God, contends He can prove it by predicting His own death and promising to afterward rise from the dead, then, He pulls it off, you can believe He is who he claims to be, because only God could perform such a miraculous feat.

Romans 1:5-7 — As saints, those who have received God's grace and been called by God's Son, we are to exalt Christ's name by leading others into obedience to our Christian Faith.

Romans 1:8 — Christians should practice their Christian profession in such an exemplarily way as to produce a world-renowned Christian Faith.

Romans 1:9-13 — Ceaselessly praying for and meeting with our fellow Christians is critical to our mutual edification.


Romans 1:14-16 — As the lone stewards of the world's only hope of salvation—the Gospel of Jesus Christ—Christians are debtors to the whole world. Therefore, we should never be ashamed and always ready to preach the Gospel to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.


Romans 1:16 — No saint should ever be ashamed to preach the Gospel, for it is the powerful means by which God saves the immortal souls of all who profess its propositional truths.

Romans 1:17 — The Gospel reveals that righteousness—being right with God and living right before God—commences with and is continued by our faith in Christ.

Romans 1:18-19 — It’s neither science nor scholarship that causes men to suppress the truth about God, but sin. It’s not the intelligent mind of a brilliant genius, but the iniquitous heart of a blasphemous fool that leads a man to say, “There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1)

Romans 1:18-22 According to the Bible and contrary to popular opinion, it takes an inexcusable imbecile, not an educated intellectual, to deny the existence of an intelligent Creator while surrounded by the incontrovertible evidence of an intricately designed creation.

Creation surrounds the atheist with more incontrovertible evidence of the Almighty's existence than of the atheist's own existence.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that everything came from nothing.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that life came from something that wasn’t alive.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that reason came from something that couldn’t reason.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that you, me, and a head of cabbage all come from the same single cell that floated up on a slimy beach eons ago.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that an intricately designed universe has no intelligent Designer.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that the universe is nothing more than a cosmic accident.

Romans 1:18-22  When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that the human race is here by happenstance.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that a human being is no more significant than a slug or a cockroach.

Romans 1:18-22 — When you peel off its academic veneer and rid it of its scientific rhetoric the cockamamie theory of evolution preposterously proposes that life is meaningless, since there is no life beyond the grave.
Romans 1:20-22 — To deny the design of an intelligent Creator while surrounded by the incontrovertible evidence of an intricately designed creation is to prove oneself an inexcusable imbecile!
Romans 1:23-25 — To exchange the worship of the Creator for the worship of created things is not only to spiritually shortchange yourself, but also to swap spiritual experience for sensual enslavement.

Romans 1:26-32The acceptance and advocacy of homosexuality is the sure sign of spiritual reprobation; that is, that God has given up on a society and given it over to its own depravity.


Romans 2:19-22 — Many self-proclaimed preachers fail to practice what they preach. They prosecute others for the things they perpetrate themselves. Far from being innocent of their own indictments, they are guilty of the very things they accuse others of being guilty of.


Romans 3:19-26 God’s law said don’t, but we did; it said do, but we didn’t. It proved us to be inexcusable sinners guilty of undeniable sin. It wasn’t given to make us right with God by trying to live up to His standard, but to get us to trust the Son of God for our salvation.


Romans 3:21-22  Our only hope of righteousness is to trust Christ to give it to us, not to try to gain it for ourselves. We were prepared to trust Christ for our righteousness by God's law, as well as promised to be made right with God through faith in Christ by God's prophets.


Although God's law proved man could not save himself, God's prophets promised man a Savior, would do for him what he could never do for himself.


Romans 3:21-26  Only the wisdom of divine omniscience could devise a plan of salvation that would solve the insoluble problem of justifying and purifying unjust and imperfect men without compromising in anyway the perfect justice of a just and perfect God. (Job 25:4)


Thanks to the blood of Jesus, no sin is swept under the rug of divine justice by a just God's justification of a believing and unjust sinner.


Romans 4:3  “What saith the Scripture?” Herein lies the acid test of truth! If the Scripture confirms it, it is so, but if Scripture contradicts it, it is not. (Galatians 4:30)


Where the Scripture is silent, we may be silent, but where the Scripture speaks, we must not only speak, but submit.


Romans 4:24-25 The Son of God was resurrected by God the Father to prove the Father’s satisfaction with the Son’s atoning work for the sins of fallen humanity. Consequently, all who trust the resurrected Christ for their salvation from sin can be assured of their justification with God.


To be justified with God is for you to be seen by Him just as though you’ve never sinned against Him.


Romans 5:8 The cross of Calvary is the loudest "I love you" ever heard in the history of the world, for on it, He who is altogether lovely, gave Himself for the unlovely.


Romans 5:10  We are not reconciled to God by Christ’s death so that we can give evidence of our salvation by living our redeemed lives for Christ, but so that we can experience the essence of our salvation, which is Christ living His resurrected life in and through us.


Christ’s righteous life made it possible for Him to die for us. His resurrected life makes it possible for Him to live in us. It is not all for whom He died who are saved to live forever, but only those within whom He forever lives!


Romans 6:1-11 Baptism is an illustration of the miracle of regeneration. As Christ died for our sin and was interred, we die with Christ to our sin and are immersed. As Christ rose from the tomb, we rise with Him from the water, to live forever like Him to the glory of God! 


Romans 6:1-13 It is not our old man, who was enslaved to sin, but our new man, who has been crucified with Christ—died to sin—and resurrected with Christ—made alive to God—who is to be presented to God for His use. Otherwise, we would be both unacceptable and unuseful to God.


Romans 6:6-7  When the sinless Jesus died on the cross for our sins, our old sinful man was crucified with Him, so that we, being dead to sin, could be freed from sin’s servitude.


When the sinless Jesus died on the cross for our sins, our old sinful man was crucified with Him, so that we, being dead to sin, could be freed from sin's servitude.


Romans 6:6-7  While all Christians know that Christ died for us so that we can have forgiveness of sin, too few know that we also died with Christ so that we can have freedom from sin.


Romans 6:6-11 All we once were, died with Christ and became dead to sin, so that all we can now be, could rise with Christ and come alive to God. Christ didn’t just die and rise from the dead for us, but we died with Christ and rose from the dead with Him!


Romans 6:11 Christians are to resist the devil and reckon themselves dead to sin, not resist sin and reckon the devil dead to them. Doing the latter rather than the former not only gives sin an upper hand over you, but also gives Satan a free hand with you. (James 4:7)


Romans 6:16 — Your true sovereign is whoever or whatever you are subservient to. Many who confess Jesus Christ as Lord deny their Christian confession by living under the worship and control of someone or something else.


Romans 6:16 — When sin is resigned to rather than resisted and repented of, when sin is condoned rather than condemned, we become sin’s subjects, sin becomes our sovereign, and our society becomes both steeped in and enslaved to sin.


Romans 6:19 — Just as lawlessness (iniquity) leads to increased lawlessness, lawfulness (righteousness) leads to increased lawfulness.


Romans 6:19 The Christian’s mind is no longer his to think sinful thoughts with, his mouth is no longer his to speak sinful words with, his hands are no longer his to do sinful deeds with, and his feet are no longer his to go to sinful places with.


Romans 6:23 — Since Christ has done everything that needed to be done for our salvation, there is nothing left for us to do but reach out in faith and receive from the nail-scarred hand of Jesus the gift of God, which is eternal life.
Romans 6:23 — The salvation God has graciously wrought for us in Christ is a gift. It cannot be earned, but only received or rejected. On the other hand, the wages of sin are earned. Death is what we deserve and rightfully have coming to us.
Romans 6:23   Wages are earned, a gift is not. A gift can only be received or rejected, never earned, lest it cease to be a gift. You will either receive God's gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, which you don't deserve, or receive death, your just deserts.
Romans 7:18 If Jesus ain't in you, there's nothing good about you!
Romans 8:1  While we should be motivated by the Spirit’s conviction, we should never be motivated by Satan’s condemnation.
Two motives Christians should never have are guilt and fear. We should never been shamed into doing something by guilt nor shoved into doing something by fear. 
Romans 8:1 — To be free from condemnation you must walk in the Spirit—His assurance of your Christ-given acceptance with God and righteousness before God—not in the flesh—your attempts to earn God’s acceptance and your own righteousness.
Romans 8:1  Roman’s chapter 8 begins with “no condemnation” and ends with “no separation.” It’s a testimony to God’s undeniable acceptance of, as well as unconditional love for, all who are in Christ. (Romans 8:38-39)
There's nothing you, as a Christian, can ever do to change God's love for you!
Romans 8:1-4  We can’t fulfill God’s law by trying to live up to it in the strength of our flesh, but only by trusting Christ to enable us to live up to it in the power of His Spirit.
We’ll never be right with God by trying to live righteous lives for Him, but only by trusting Christ to live His righteous and resurrected life through us.
Romans 8:2 As an earthbound man is set free in an airplane from the law of gravity by the law of aerodynamics, a sin bound man is set free in Christ from the law of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life.
Romans 8:26 — The Holy Spirit’s unutterable interceding for unenlightened intercessors is the indwelling Christ overriding our foolish prayers with His fitting ones.
Romans 8:26-27 — The only aid we need in prayer is the Holy Spirit, without whose assistance all other aids are useless.
Romans 8:26-27 — You don't have to say something to pray something!
Romans 8:28 — WE KNOW, not hope nor suppose, THAT ALL THINGS, from the minutest to the most momentous, WORK, not will work, but are working, TOGETHER, like threads in a tapestry or notes in a symphony, FOR GOOD, not bad, TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD!
Romans 8:28 — For the Christian, all apparent earthly evils should be viewed from a heavenly perspective, which will prove them all to be for our ultimate good.
Romans 8:28-29  All God allows to happen in our lives is used by Him to chip off of us what doesn't look like Christ.
Romans 8:31 — To know you're on God's side and He is beside you, is to be no longer trepidatious or terrorized by anything.
Romans 8:32 — No accusation of injustice can ever be brought against God for refusing to spare from judgment all who refuse to accept the salvation He has wrought for them through His unspared Son.
Romans 8:37  The Christian will not be a conqueror eventually, but is already more than a conqueror presently.
Romans 8:38-39  Roman’s chapter 8 begins with “no condemnation” and ends with “no separation.” It’s a testimony to God’s undeniable acceptance of, as well as unconditional love for, all who are in Christ. (Romans 8:1)
There's nothing you, as a Christian, can ever do to change God's love for you!
Romans 10:6-13 — Christ is as near as a prayer and Heaven within speaking distance to all who pray. 
Romans 10:9 — Sin is usurping the Lord's power over our lives for ourselves. Salvation is surrendering the usurped power of lordship to Him to whom it rightfully belongs, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:13  We must call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. This means, since the name "Jesus" means, "the salvation of Jehovah," that we must believe that Jesus alone is the Savior of mankind and that apart from Him we have no hope of salvation.
Although no sinner can be saved by simply saying the “sinner’s prayer,” any sinner can be saved by professing that Jesus alone is Savior and by praying to Jesus alone for his or her salvation.
Romans 11:33 The infinite depths of divine wisdom and knowledge are unfathomable to the finite human mind. Therefore, to us, the just judgments of God are unsearchable and His wondrous ways inscrutable.
Romans 11:36 — All things commenced with God, all things are “of Him.” All things are continued by God, all things are “through Him.” And all things will be consummated by God, all things are “to Him.” Therefore, we can take no credit for anything, but must give God the glory for everything.
Romans 12:1 — To give your all for Christ, who sacrificed His all for you on the cross of Calvary, is the only reasonable thing for you to do. To truly worship Him you must first offer yourself to Him as a living sacrifice.
Romans 12:1 When it comes to Christ, who gave Himself (His all) for you, the only reasonable thing for you to do is give yourself (your all) to Him. For you to do anything less is not just unreasonable on your part, but also unacceptable to Christ. 
Romans 12:1-2 — It’s not your job to find God’s will for your life. It’s God’s job to reveal it to you. It’s your job to be committed to do it even before you know what it is. The prior sacrifice of your will to God’s will leads to His perfect will being proven in your life. 
Romans 12:1-2 — Finding God’s will for your life is not like an Easter egg hunt—God hides it and you must find it. Instead, God will prove it to you and perform it for you as long as you preconceive its perfection and are predetermined to do it even before you know it.
Romans 12:2 — Contrary to popular opinion in America’s contemporary church, Christians are not to conform to today’s politically correct culture, but prove themselves transformed by conformity to God’s will, which is always the good, acceptable, and perfect thing to do.

Romans 12:3 — We are plagued by prideful self-exaltation whenever we consider ourselves beyond the measure of what God’s grace has made us or whenever we grow discontent with where God has graciously positioned us. 

Romans 13:4 — The God-ordained role of government is to preserve the peace of society by protecting the innocent and punishing the evildoer.
Romans 14:7-9 — Christ lived, died, and rose from the dead to become Lord of both life and death. Therefore, we can neither live nor die unto ourselves, since both our life and death are under Christ’s Lordship and He is Lord over both the living and the dead.

Romans 15:3 — Those who please themselves and do not suffer the reproach of Christ, cannot possibly be followers of the reproached Christ, who “pleased not Himself.”


All who live to please the Lord rather than themselves will be reproached in this life by a self-pleasing world.

Romans 15:7  — The sole requirement for receiving others into Christian fellowship is whether or not they, like us, have been received by Christ for God's glory. They only have to be received by Christ; they don’t have to resemble us.
Romans 15:13 — Those who truly hope in the Lord will be filled with joy and peace, as they trust the Holy Spirit to grant them abounding hope by powerfully affirming to them God's precious promises.
Romans 15:13 Neither God's promises nor His presence are confirmed to us by our fickle feelings. If we are to ever exude, by the power of the Holy Spirit, our confident hope in Christ, we must do so by living by faith in our Emmanuel, never by living focused on our emotions.