Introduction: Revelation, the concluding book of the Bible and the cornerstone of Bible prophecy, is an apocalyptic book written by the Apostle John that reveals Jesus Christ to us by unveiling for us how the grand finale of the Bible story will not only be summed up by Him, but also in Him.
Revelation 1:1 — The purpose of the book of Revelation is the same as every other book of the Bible. It is to reveal Jesus Christ to us. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not to reveal to us what the future holds, but to reveal to us the One who holds the future.
Revelation 1:1 — The book of Revelation was “signified”—communicated in signs and symbols—to John. Therefore, it is symbolic and necessitates a figurative rather than literal interpretation. Furthermore, it’s symbols symbolize “things which must shortly come to pass.”
Revelation 1:1 — The end-time events predicted in the Book of Revelation are not only inevitable, but will be carried out expeditiously once they commence, as is proven by these words in Revelation's first verse of its first chapter—"things which MUST shortly [SWIFTLY] come to pass."
Revelation 1:2 — The book of Revelation is John’s eyewitness account to the truth of God’s Word and the testimony of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:3 — The book of Revelation is distinguished from all other books of the Bible in that it contains a distinct promise of blessing to all who read, hear, and obey the words of its impending prophecy.
Revelation 1:4 — Seven in Scripture symbolizes completeness. Revelation, a book of sevens written to seven churches, is the completion of the Bible, which is God’s written revelation of Himself to us.
Revelation 1:5 — Christ is “the faithful witness,” who alone can be counted on to always tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
Revelation 1:5 — Christ is “the firstborn from the dead,” who overcame death for us so that He could offer eternal life to us.
Revelation 1:5 — Christ is “the prince of the kings of the earth,” not only their sovereign but also their successor.
Revelation 1:5 — The most remarkable thing about Christ, our Redeemer, who "washed us from our sins in his own blood," is not His reliable witness, His resurrection from the dead, or His rule over the kings of the earth, but that He loves us!
Revelation 1:6 — For His eternal glory and dominion, Christ makes Christians into His prime ministers and ministering priests.
Revelation 1:7 — There is no secret coming of Christ. Unbelievers will not be left behind, but lament when they behold Christ coming in the clouds.
Revelation 1:8 — Jesus Christ is the Almighty, the commencement and consummation of all things, as well as the eternal One, He who has always been and always will be.
Revelation 1:9 — When Christian testimonies are criminalized and the preaching of the Word of God prosecuted, only participants in Christ’s kingdom will patiently endure tribulation for Christ’s sake.
Revelation 1:10 — It's not enough to be in church on Sunday (the Lord's Day), you need to be in the Spirit. It's not enough to hear your church's vicar, you need to hear Christ's voice.
Revelation 1:11 — The book of Revelation was sent to churches. It consists of what John saw. Its subject, from A to Z, is Christ, who is also, from beginning to end, what all things are all about.
Revelation 1:12-13 —The place to see the glorified Christ should be in the midst of His churches, each of which is suppose to be a candle on a candlestick, not under a bushel, serving in these dark days as the light of the world. (Revelation 1:20; 2:1; Matthew 5:14-15)
Revelation 1:12-13 — Christ, in both His long priestly garment and kingly golden sash, is found in the midst of His churches, which are symbolized by candlesticks, since they serve as the light of the world.
Revelation 1:14 — The white headed Christ is the Ancient of Days, He who always has been and always will be.
Revelation 1:14-15 — The bronze footed Christ stands as the Judge of all the earth, because His piercing eyes of flame enable Him to see into the heart and to know what is in a man.
Revelation 1:15 — The voice of Christ sounds like a Niagara Falls in our hearts, drowning out all other voices, the voices of the flesh, the world, and the devil.
Revelation 1:16 — Christ holds in His hand the heavenly host. His Word is a sharp two-edged sword, resulting in either the salvation of believers or the condemnation of unbelievers, and He is the true “Sonshine" in this fallen world, lighting our way through its darkness.
Revelation 1:16 — We are not to worship angels, but the Lord of the Heavenly host who holds them all in His right hand. (Revelation 1:20; 2:1; 19:10; Colossians 2:18)
Revelation 1:16, 20 — We should not bow the knee in the worship of angels, but only in the worship of Him who holds them in His hand! (Revelation 22:8-9; Colossians 2:18)
Jesus not only holds the host of Heaven in His hand, but also has the hordes of Hell under His thumb!
Revelation 1:17-18 — Christians need not fear death, since the grave can’t hold us, thanks to Christ, who has the keys to let us out the instant we go in.
Revelation 1:17-18 — The Christian need not fear death, since He knows the Man who conquered death and rose from the dead with the keys to the grave swinging on His hip. The instant we go into the grave at the end of our temporal lives, He’ll let us back out into eternal life.
Revelation 1:17-18 — The Christian need not fear death, for Christ rose from the dead, kicked the back door out of death, and came out of the tomb with the devil’s keys to death and the grave swinging on his hip, so that He can let all who believe in Him out of the grave the moment they die.
Revelation 1:19 — The book of Revelation tells us what John had “seen,”—the glorified Christ in chapter 1—the things “which are,”—the seven letters to the seven churches in chapters 2-3—and about the things “which shall be hereafter”—the coming end times in chapters 4-22.
Revelation 1:20 — Christ holds the heavenly host in the palm of his hand and is always present in the midst of His churches.
Revelation 2:1-7 — A church that ministers in Jesus' name without love for Jesus in its heart is unacceptable in Jesus' eyes, who sees through a church's meetings and motions into its motives.
Revelation 2:12-17 —The church of Pergamos was the church of compromise. It was located where "Satan's seat" was, for Satan is enthroned wherever compromise is found—in your country, in your church, in your home, or in your heart.
Politicians may laud compromise as virtue, but Christians must loath it as vice, for wherever it takes place Satan takes over.
Revelation 3:1 — There is no shortage of Sardis churches among today’s contemporary churches; churches with the semblance of vitality, but void of the Spirit, and that serve more as a vaccination against real Christianity rather than a motivation for it?
Revelation 3:14-20 — Like with the church of Laodicea, Christ is on the outside knocking to get in to many a nauseating lukewarm church today.
Revelation 3:14-22 — The lukewarm, nauseating, and unregenerate church of the last days—an apostate church with Christ on the outside knocking to get in—is symbolized by Revelation’s church of Laodicea. Interestingly, the Greek word “Laodicea” may be translated “the rights of the people.”
Revelation 4:1-2 — There is a throne in Heaven and one who sits upon it.
Revelation 4:1-2 — Heaven’s throne is always occupied.
Revelation 4:1-2 — No matter how out of control things appear to be on this earth, a sovereign God is always seated on Heaven’s throne and all things are always under His sovereign control.
Revelation 5:8 — Human prayers of intercession rise far above the earth to become the fragrant incense of Heaven.
Revelation 5:9-10 — Whereas the song the morning stars (angels) sang together over the earth's creation was silenced by fallen angels and the fall of man, a new song will soon be sung by redeemed men when their Redeemer returns to reign with them over a redeemed earth. (Job 38:7)
The new song of redemption to be sung over a redeemed earth by redeemed men will not be sung by angels, since God has no plan of redemption for fallen angels, but only for fallen man.
Revelation 9:20-21 — Neither miraculous signs nor merciless plagues can persuade the hard hearts of the unregenerate to repent of their sin. Only the Scripture and the Spirit can convince sinners to come to Christ, God's Son, for their salvation. (Luke 16:29-31; Revelation 16:9)
Revelation 9:13-21 — The coronavirus pandemic’s origin in China is no coincidence, when seen through the prism of Bible prophecy, which predicts unprecedented pandemics from the Orient as the beginning of end-time sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8)
Revelation 12:5 — When Christ returns He will reign and rule over the nations with a rod of iron. There will be no more democracy—the rule of the majority—but an absolute theocracy—the rule of Christ alone. (Revelation 19:15)
Christ came the first time for a cross, in order to be crucified, but He is coming the second time for a crown, in order to be coronated.
Revelation 12:11 — To overcome the accuser of the brethren, we must believe that our confessed sins, over which he continues to condemn us, have been forever washed away by the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 12:11 — To overcome the accuser of the brethren, we must testify to all God’s Word says about us in Christ, not to what the devil says to us in his condemnation of us.
Revelation 12:11 — To overcome the accuser of the brethren we must love our Lord more than our life. Those not haunted by the thought of death cannot be harassed by the devil threatening their lives.
Revelation 12:11 — To be delivered from the devil one must love not their life unto death. To fear death is to be fettered by the devil and to forfeit your life to a lifelong fear.
Revelation 15:1 — There is soon to come a day when God will have His fill with this fallen world. His full wrath will be mercilessly poured out upon it, because of its rejection of all His Son has mercifully done for it.
Revelation 15:5-8 — When God’s final judgment comes upon this sinful and Christ-rejecting world, God’s heavenly sanctuary will be shut up and all earthly sinners shut out.
Revelation 16:9 — Neither miraculous signs nor merciless plagues can persuade the hard hearts of the unregenerate to repent of their sin. Only the Scripture and the Spirit can convince sinners to come to Christ, God's Son, for their salvation. (Luke 16:29-31; Revelation 9:20-21)
Revelation 19:10 — The Bible says, “The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.” In other words, the purpose of prophecy is to testify of Jesus so that men might believe in Him.
Revelation 19:11-13 — Jesus Christ, as the Living Word of God, came the first time to carry out what God has spoken; He is coming the second time to complete it.
Revelation 19:15 — When Christ returns He will reign and rule over the nations with a rod of iron. There will be no more democracy—the rule of the majority—but an absolute theocracy—the rule of Christ alone. (Revelation 12:5)
Christ came the first time for a cross, in order to be crucified, but He is coming the second time for a crown, in order to be coronated.
Revelation 21:21 —The gates of Heaven are made of pearls, which is the only precious gem that comes from a suffering animal.
Revelation 21:21 — What is of most worth on earth will be merely walked upon in Heaven.
Revelation 22:8-9 — We should not bow the knee in the worship of angels, but only in the worship of Him who holds them in His hand! (Revelation 1:16, 20; Colossians 2:18)
Jesus not only holds the host of Heaven in His hand, but also has the hordes of Hell under His thumb!
Revelation 22:14 — No one clad in the sinful rags of self-righteousness will enter the gates of Heaven or eat of the tree of life, but only those whose sins have been washed away in the blood of Jesus and who wear the seamless robe of His perfect righteousness.
Revelation 22:17 — The all-inclusive Christian Faith issues its universal invitation to everyone everywhere: “Whosoever will may come.”
Revelation 22:18-19 — God has given all men the right to reject or receive His Word, but no man the right to revise it. You either receive it all or reject it all, just as it is. You can't change it to your liking, by either adding to it or subtracting from it.
The Word of God is meant to change sinners and to conform them into the likeness of their Savior, not to be manipulated and changed by sinners to condone and confirm their sin.
Revelation 22:20 — The last prayer of the Bible—"Come Lord Jesus"— should be the first prayer of the morning and daily prayer of every believer.