Introduction: Philemon is the Apostle Paul’s epistle of intercession to Philemon on behalf of Philemon’s runaway slave Onesimus.
Philemon 1:17-19 — As Paul stood as surety for the sins of a slave, Christ stands as surety for the sins of sinners. And as the slave was reconciled with his master as though he were Paul, sinners can be reconciled with God as though they were Christ.
The book of Philemon, which tells the story of Paul’s mediation in the redemption and reconciliation of Oneismus, a runaway slave, to his master and Paul’s friend Philemon, is a beautiful portrait hanging in the gallery of Scripture of our redemption and reconciliation to God in Christ.
Philemon 1:18 — As the sins of Onesimus, Philemon's runaway slave, were charged to Paul's account, our sins, the sins of rebellious sinners, have been charged to Christ's account. Therefore, we, like Onesimus, can be forgiven of our sins, because they've been charged to another.