Introduction: Numbers is the Bible's divinely inspired census book of ancient Israel.
Numbers 11:1 — Whereas worship ushers us into the presence of God, whining puts us out on the outskirts of the people of God, where we are most susceptible to suffer an outburst of divine outrage.
“God expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part.” (Oswald Chambers)
Numbers 11:7-9 — The manna in the wilderness, which was given for the sustenance, survival, and salvation of God's chosen people, could have been trampled under their feet rather than taken as their food.
Like Israel, you too can receive or reject the Bread that has come down from Heaven for your salvation. (John 6:51)
Numbers 12:3 — God's mightiest men are earth's meekest. To be mighty with the Lord, you must be meek and lowly.
Meekness is not the doormat of weakness, but the doorway to mightiness.
Numbers 13:1-33 — God’s promises are never possessed by those, who through the eyes of fear, see their enemies as invincible and themselves as grasshoppers, but only by those, who through the eyes of faith, see their God as invincible and themselves as giant killers.
God’s promises are never possessed by those, who through the eyes of fear, see how much bigger the giants are than themselves, but only by those, who through the eyes of faith, see how much bigger God is than the giants.
Numbers 13:1-33 — Throughout history the people of God have been plagued by the grasshopper complex—puny self-perceptions that prohibit them from possessing God’s promises.
In order to triumphant over giants and to take God-given ground, we must believe ourselves superior to all of our gigantic obstacles and giant opponents, as God has promised, not inferior to them, as we perceive.
Numbers 14:9 — Formidable foes who pose huge hurdles to our possession of God's promises can either eat up our faith or feed it. Our faith will either rise to the challenge or retreat in cowardice. (Numbers 13:32)
Who will you believe and obey when God says “Go,” but men say “No”; when God says “You can,” but men say “You can’t”? Will you confine yourself to the parameters of men or charge ahead into the promises of God?
Numbers 14:40-45 — God's commands must be timely obeyed and His promises timely believed; otherwise, we forfeit His presence with us, forgo His promises to us, and fall prey to foes before us.
God’s patience is not inexhaustible. Therefore, His offered promises are retractible when His commandments are not obeyed rapidly.
Numbers 15:37-41 — Whereas the Israelites were reminded to live their earthly lives heavenly minded by sewn tassels on their hems, Christians are reminded to live their earthly lives heavenly minded by the Spirit of Truth in their hearts.
The Christian doesn’t need to wear a habit with tassels to remind him of God’s truths, since he has the Holy Spirit in his heart, not only to remind him of all things, but also to lead and guide him into all truth. (John 14:26; 16:13)
Numbers 16:41-50 — To stay a plague that had broken out among the people, Moses and Aaron interceded to God to pardon the people of their sins, not to spare them from the plague.
Did we pray the right prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic? Should we not have prayed for our sIns to be pardoned rather than for us to be spared from the pandemic?
Numbers 21:16-18 — In this world’s desert lands, wells spring up from the sand when songs are sung to the Lord.
To sing sincere songs of praise is to safeguard your soul from being spiritually parched!
Numbers 23:19 — The Word of God is imperishable, immutable, infallible, and inevitable, because God, who is never fickle, but ever faithful, never changes His mind, takes back His Word, nor goes back on His Word.
In all of this world of uncertainty and unsurety, there is one thing we can always be sure and certain about—the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God.
Numbers 26:11 — All recipients of God’s sovereign and amazing grace, like the spared sons of the sinful gainsayer Korah, should serve as doorkeepers to God’s house and singers to God’s glory. (1 Chronicles 9:18-20)
Who is better to serve as a doorkeeper to the House of God or as a singer to the glory of God than a spared sinner saved by the grace of God?