Introduction: Like the Prophet Jonah, Nahum also prophesied against Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. However, unlike Jonah’s preaching, which resulted in Nineveh’s repentance and salvation, Nahum’s preaching resulted in its judgment and destruction.
Nahum 1:3 — The Almighty, who bridles whirlwinds and storms and treads upon billowing clouds as though they were dust, will never acquit the wicked, in spite of the fact that He is slow to anger.
Since justice is impossible without judgment, there is no such thing as a just God who does not judge. There can be no justice for all, without God's judgment of all.
Nahum 1-3 — In Nineveh, revival didn't last; divine retribution fell. The forgiven by God under Jonah were infuriating to God under Nahum.
Nahum 3:13 — Defective national security leads to national disaster and open borders turns one’s homeland into a foreign land.
"A nation that cannot control its border is not a nation." (Ronald Reagan)