Introduction: Malachi contains the closing Old Testament prophecy to the Messianic nation and a call for them to prepare for the coming of their Messiah.
Malachi 1:1-5 — What Esau or Edom—who epitomize the flesh—repeatedly determine to build, God is resolved to repeatedly demolish.
Malachi 1:4-5 — After an indignant God is magnified by judging a godless and iniquitous nation, any attempt by it to rebuild itself from deserved and divine destruction will be doomed to be divinely demolished.
Can America really be made great again?
Malachi 1:6-14 — Church is a charade when its altar is being defiled with corrupt, costless, or cheap sacrifices. God wants the doors to a church shut when churchgoers are offensively offering to Him anything other than their best and their all.
If most professed Christians today respected their boss like they revere their God and served their employer like they do their Lord, they would be fired in a flash.
Malachi 1:6-14 — To selfishly retain the best for ourselves and to reluctantly render to God anything less, is so unappeasable and appalling to God as to make our praise of Him unacceptable and our prayers to Him unanswerable.
Malachi 1:6-14 — God hates the game of church charade. He pleads with His people to close the door upon it, to stop polluting His altar with it, and to cease from ever playing it, lest He be so insulted over it that He becomes infuriated by it. (Malachi 1:6-14)
Malachi 3:3 — As a refiner of silver holds silver in the fire until it is purified and he can see his reflection in it, so God holds the saints in the fire until they are purified and He can see His reflection in them.
Malachi 3:8-10 — Many protest that they cannot afford to give God what He is due, however, the Bible teaches us that we cannot afford not to, since God blesses and opens the windows of Heaven to an open hand, but curses and closes the windows of Heaven to a clinched fist.
Malachi 3:10 — To open Heaven's windows and to obtain Heaven's overflowing blessings, give all God commands and claim all God promises.
Malachi 3:10 — God welcomes us to test Him, but warns us not to tempt Him. The difference between the two is that testing God is obediently stepping out on His promises, but tempting God is ostentatiously stepping out on our presumptions. (Matthew 4:7)