Introduction: The five chapters of Lamentations are five dirges or funeral songs written by the Prophet Jeremiah in his lamentation over the destruction of his beloved city, Jerusalem.
Lamentations 2:1-5 — When God’s people turn from Him in their waywardness, He will turn on them in His wrath. There is no such thing as security in sin, neither for the sinner, who will be condemned, nor for the saint, who will be chastened.
A Christian profession is not a permission slip ti sin, to believe so belies one's profession.
Lamentations 3:1-33 — A sovereign God sends us sufferings to teach us solitude, silence, stillness, and submission. It is truly tragic that God has to so afflict us as to lay us in the dust, in order to get us to finally surrender ourselves into His arms.
Lamentations 3:25-26 — Divine Deliverance comes to those who quietly seek the Lord and wait for Him, not to those who nosily demand their instant gratification. To be delivered one must patiently and wholeheartedly pursue the Deliverer, not impatiently demand immediate deliverance.
Lamentations 3:27-33 — There is more hope for the youth who bears the yoke of oppression than for the one blessed by the boon of opulence, for it makes one solemn rather than superficial, humble rather than haughty, and obeisant rather than obstinate.
Lamentations 3:31-33 — The Lord does not take pleasure in, but always has a purpose for, our afflictions. All of our afflictions are passing and none are the product of the paucity of divine compassion. (Lamentations 3:31-33)
Lamentations 4:12 — Though inconceivable to us and others, America, like ancient Jerusalem, has forfeited its invulnerability by forsaking its God. No longer impregnable under God's protection, we're no longer defended from enemies without, but are actually being destroyed by enemies within.