Introduction: The book of Judges tells of the great exploits of Israel’s judges, who led Israel after the death of Joshua until the establishment of the Hebrew monarchy.
Judges 1:5-7 — Life is an echo. What you dish out to others will be served up to you.
All who intentionally do to others what they don’t want done to themselves, inevitably find themselves caught in the riptide of divine reciprocity.
Judges 1:15 — In the dry and arid wilderness of this world, you should pray to your Heavenly Father for upper and lower springs, so that you will be preserved for your coming life above, as well as through both the highs and lows of your current life below. (Joshua 15:19)
I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame,
And nothing satisfying there I found;
But to the blessed cross of Christ one day I came,
Where springs of living water did abound. (John Peterson)
Judges 3:9-11 — God raises up His obscure Othniels as objects for His miraculous use in the most opportune moment.
Though many a hero of the Faith, like an Othniel, appears to come from nowhere, they actually come from the obscurity of a prolonged period on the Potter’s wheel, where they’ve been formed and fashioned, as well as molded and made, into a choice and chosen vessel of the Potter’s for His preordained use at the perfect time.
Judges 6:1-10 — God's people prayed for deliverance from their situation, but God sent them a prophet to denounce their sin, for God will neither respond to our supplications nor rescue us from our situation until we've repented of the sins that spawned it.
It’s an exercise in futility for Americans to pray for God to bless America, when we’re unrighteous, unrepentant, and unblessable!
Judges 6:11-12 — While he was threshing wheat behind the winepress, fearful that his foes would see him and steal his wheat from him, the Lord called Gideon a “mighty man of valor,” which proves that the Lord does not see us according to our history, but according to our destiny.
God see us for what we’ll be, not for what we’ve been. While we’re not yet all we ought to be nor all we’re going to be, we can thank God that by His grace we’re no longer what we use to be.
Judges 6:11-24 — JEHOVAH-SHALOM means “the Lord my Peace.” Notice, it was not the promises of prevailing over his enemies or of the preservation of his life, but the Promise Maker Himself to whom Gideon attributed his peace.
Peace is more a product of God’s person than of His promises; that is, of knowing His presence is always with us than of knowing all of His promises to us!
Judges 6:28-32 — Any god who cannot fight for himself, but must be fought for by his followers, is a false god.
Whereas Christians are to defend the faith once delivered to the saints, the saints are not to defend Christ, who is completely capable of defending Himself. (Jude 1:3)
Judges 6:33-35 — It takes a Spirit clad trumpet blower to raise up and bring together the people of God against insurmountable odds. Unfortunately, there are few Spirit clad trumpeters in present-day pulpits, but many a politically correct tooter of uncertain sounds.
A sermon should be trumpeted by one serving as a suit for God’s Spirit, not by a suitor of godless society.
Judges 6:36-40 — Contrary to popular belief, faith is not lacking, but legitimized by the seeking of fleeces to confirm God’s Word and will, since true faith can only step out on the solid ground of God’s substantiated promises, plans, and purposes.
Faith without a fleece is mere presumption, but faith with a fleece is both mighty and prevailing.
Judges 7:1-7 — Gideon's victorious army had to be small enough for no one to give them any credit and for everyone to give God all the glory. Smallness does not preclude one's service of Christ, but may very well prove to be a prerequisite for it.
God took a nobody general, a nothing army, and whipped an innumerable enemy, so that He could get all of the glory.