Introduction: The book of Joshua tells the story of Israel’s conquest of Canaan, the Promised Land, under Joshua, Moses' successor.
Joshua 1:8 — The only mention of the word “success” in Scripture is in Joshua 1:8, where we learn how to have “good” success in the eyes of God. It is simply to live in His Word and to live out His Word in our lives!
If you make much of God’s Word, God will make much of you! (A. W. Tozer)
To prosper spiritually and to have good success in the eyes of God is to be all God wants you to be, not all you dream of being or all the world demands you to be. Many a worldly success story is told of a spiritual failure whose dreams all came true.
Joshua 3:1-6 — The presence of God leads us into the promises of God.
We need to stand off, in reverential solemnity, not presume to come near, in irreverent familiarity, if we are to see God’s presence clearly before us before crossing over into uncharted territory.
Joshua 3:17 — As God's believing priests, accompanied by His presence, we must step out and stand fast in the midst of peril, if we are to persuade others to pass over into God's promises.
To be brought out—out of Egypt—as well as to be brought in—into Canaan—both required miraculous crossings—the crossing of both the Red Sea and the Jordan River on dry ground. Only by the miraculous work of God can Egypt (the world) be escaped and Canaan (the promises of God) be entered into and enjoyed!
Joshua 5:12 — Manna was food for the wilderness, it was never meant to be fare for forty years on a mere eleven day journey. It stopped as soon as the Promised Land was entered and its fruit first enjoyed. (Deuteronomy 1:2)
Many a spiritual wanderer, who has never gotten anywhere spiritually, survives on a daily diet of manna. Having never tasted the savory promises of God, they spiritually subsist on savorless pabulum.
Joshua 5:13-15 — When Joshua asked the Lord, “Are you for us or for our adversaries,” the Lord answered, “Nay.” The question is never whose side is the Lord on, but always who is on the Lord’s side!
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.” (Abraham Lincoln)
Joshua 6:5 — For the walls of overwhelming and immovable obstacles to fall down flat, requires the shout of faith, not the squawk of doubt, the shriek of dismay, nor the sniveling of despondency. (Hebrews 11:30)
It was not the shouting of the troops nor the sounding of the trumpets, but the faith of the people that brought the walls of Jericho down flat. (Hebrews 11:30)
Joshua 7:1-9 — Many a time an assumed easy triumph is turned into an agonizing and embarrassing trouncing over the taking of an accursed thing by the army of God.
Presumption—the sin of presuming that God will do what He has not promised to do or that we can do what He has not called us to do—not only leads to us be defeated at the hands of the world, but also to our God be discredited in the eyes of the world.
Joshua 14:6-9 — Caleb, whose name means “wholehearted,” wholly followed the Lord. It is only a Caleb, a wholehearted follower of Christ, who ends up inhabiting God's Promised Land. All halfhearted followers of Christ end up interred in the wilderness.
A halfhearted commitment can no more get you to Christ than it did Israel into Canaan. You'll either come wholeheartedly or not at all.
Joshua 14:6-14 — To be an overcomer, who is ever-ready to overcome, one must wholly follow the Lord. Those who do will dwell on higher ground and defeat harrowing giants. (Numbers 13:30)
To become a giant-slaying spiritual highlander one must leave the lowlands of sin and disbelief, and scale the steep slope of unassailable faith.
Joshua 15:19 — In the dry and arid wilderness of this world, you should pray to your Heavenly Father for upper and lower springs, so that you will be preserved for your coming life above, as well as through both the highs and lows of your current life below. (Judges 1:15)
I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame,
And nothing satisfying there I found;
But to the blessed cross of Christ one day I came,
Where springs of living water did abound. (John Peterson)
Joshua 21:45 — The promises of God are proven unfailing by their ultimate fulfilling.
There are no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts” in the never-failing promises of God!