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Tweeting Through John's Gospel


Introduction: The Gospel of John, the beloved disciple, is the great evangelical Gospel. It contains John's narrative of the life of Christ as the Son of God.


John 1:1-3, 14 — God’s creative Word became incarnate in the man Christ Jesus.


John 1:1-3, 14 — Everything God has ever said came alive in Jesus Christ.


John 1:1-3, 14 — Jesus Christ, who is the Living Word of God; that is, God’s Word come alive, has made every Bible a “Living Bible.”


John 1:1-3, 14 — God, the Creator, became a man, one of His creatures, in the man Christ Jesus.


John 1:1-3, 14 — The baby we read about at the beginning of the New Testament is the Creator we read about at the beginning of the Old Testament.


John 1:1-3, 14 The Incredible truth of the Incarnation is incredibly accentuated in that the Creator became both the babe in Bethlehem’s crib and the bloody and bruised figure on Calvary’s cross.


John 1:1-14  The Greek word “Logos,” which John uses for Jesus, had special meaning to the Greeks. The Greek Philosopher Plato spoke of his hope that a “Word” might come into the world someday to solve the insolvable mystery of life. According to John, Jesus was that Word.


"The nature of Christ's existence is mysterious, I admit; but this mystery meets the wants of man. Reject it and the world is an inexplicable riddle; believe it, and the history of our race is satisfactory explained." (Napoleon Bonaparte)


John 1:5 — Darkness cannot extinguish the least little light and the least little light dispels darkness.


John 1:9 — The life Christ lived lights the way for all Christians to live. What He exemplified we are to emulate.


John 1:9 The world does not need more light, but only to turn to the light it already has, since Jesus brought into it all the light it will ever need. The problem is that men prefer darkness over the light, lest their evil deeds be exposed. (John 3:19)


John 1:12 — To become a child of God one must believe in the name of the Son of God; that is, that the salvation of Jehovah is found in Jesus alone.


John 1:14-18 — Jesus Christ is God’s final Word.


John 1:14-18 — When God said, “Jesus,” He said it all. He has nothing else to say.


John 1:14-18 — God had to become a man not only to show man His glory, but also to communicate to man the truth about His grace.


John 1:18 — God became a man in the man Christ Jesus in order to reveal Himself to man.


John 1:18 — Jesus Christ came to live among us so that He might make God known to us.


John 1:19-37  Like John the Baptist, every preacher of Christ should be self-depreciating and Christ-exalting, persuading others to look away from himself to Christ!


If people leave church talking about what a great sermon they’ve heard rather than what a great Savior they have, the preacher has greatly failed. 


John 1:29  The corruptible blood shed by the sacrificial lambs on the altar of the Jewish temple temporally covered sin, but the incorruptible blood shed by Jesus, the Lamb of God, on the cross of Calvary takes away sin forever! (1 Peter 1:18-19)


John 1:42 Peter did nor resemble a rock when Jesus first called him one, but Jesus saw Peter, as He does you, not on the basis of his history, what he had made of himself, but on the basis of his destiny, what Jesus would make of him.


John 2:5  Christ is the only Counselor and His counsel is the only counsel you'll ever need for the rest of your life. (Isaiah 9:6)


John 2:13-17 Christ cleansed the temple twice, once at the beginning of His ministry and again at the end, proving that the purity of His house means more to Him than its popularity! (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46)


John 2:23-25   It's not those who simply confess faith in Christ, but those who are sincerely committed to Christ, to whom Christ is committed. Indeed, Christ is as committed to you as you are to Him.


John 2:23-25 — Christ’s commitment to us is not contingent upon our simple confession of Him, but upon our sincere commitment to Him.


John 2:23-25 — Christ is only as committed to you as you are to Him.


John 2:23-24 — Not all who profess Christ possess Christ, for Christ is noncommittal to the insincere Christian confessor. 


John 3:16 — The greatest verse in the Bible tells the greatest love story ever told, how God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.


John 3:16  The greatest verse in the Bible, which has been called the Miniature Bible and the Gospel in a Nutshell, tells the greatest love story ever told. This greatest of loves is not just nondiscriminatory and for the whole world, but unconditional and for a wicked world.


FOR GOD, the Lord of earth and Heaven,
SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven, 
THE WORLD, in sin and pleasure mad,
THAT HE GAVE, the greatest gift He had—
HIS ONLY SON —to take our place,
THAT WHOSOEVER—Oh, what grace—
BELIEVETH, placing simple trust
IN HIM, the righteous and the just,
SHOULD NOT PERISH, lost in sin,
The greatest verse in the Bible tells of:
1. The greatest One—FOR GOD
2. The greatest love—SO LOVED THE WORLD
3. The greatest grace—THAT HE GAVE
4. The greatest gift—HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON
5. The greatest invitation—THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM


John 3:16  When John 3:16—the greatest love story ever told—is condemned as hate speech, all who lovingly preach it as hate mongers, and the preaching of it as the incitement of hate crimes, it’s safe to say that society has become not only stiff-necked in its unrepentance, but spiritually reprobate as well.


John 3:16  The greatest verse in the Bible, which has been called the Miniature Bible and the Gospel in a Nutshell, tells the greatest love story ever told.


How hopelessly lost is our world, when it condemns the greatest love story ever told as hate speech and its only hope of salvation as discrimination?   


John 3:18  Unbelieving sinners will not eventually be cut off from God and condemned in the hereafter, but are actually already cut off from God and condemned in the here-and-now.


Unrepentant sinners are already under the judgement of God, they are simply waiting for their death sentence to be carried out.  


John 3:20 — Evildoers hate the light and refuse to come to the light, lest their evil deeds be exposed by the light.


John 3:26-30 — As with the Baptist, so also with the believer, we should rejoice when the world’s attention on us is decreasing and it’s attention on Christ is increasing.


John 3:35 — With the world in Jesus’ hand, there should be no worry in your heart.


John 3:35 — Since Jesus is over everything, you should never be under anything.


John 3:36  Whether we spend eternity with God or under the wrath of God is wholly dependent upon whether or not we believe in the Son of God!


While eternal life is the present profession of all who profess true faith in God's Son, all who refuse to do so are already under God's wrath.


John 4:1-3 — Christ leaves the company of conceited Pharisees who keep score in their competition with perceived competitors by counting each others converts.


John 4:4-8 — Jesus not only traveled the dusty roads of ancient Palestine, but also from Heaven to earth and from eternity into time to meet a divine appointment with a sinful woman in a shunned place.


John 4:9-15 — Jesus impartially offers to all people a drink of the living water that forever satisfies thirsty souls.


John 4:16-18 — Christ does not accept us because of who we are or what we have done, but in spite of it.


John 4:19-23 — It’s not where you worship that matters, but how you worship. God can be worshiped nowhere where the Holy Spirit is absent and the Holy Scripture is not adhered to.


John 4:23-24 True worship is the worship of the one true God, not of an imagined god of our own making. Furthermore, it is only possible in God’s Spirit, not in our flesh. This is God’s desire of us, as well as our duty to God. 


John 4:24 To worship God in Spirit and truth is to truly worship in the Spirit the One revealed to us by the truth of Scripture. It is not to worship in the flesh an imaginary god conjured up in our own mind according to our own liking.


John 4:24  True worship is to be truly wafted by the truth of God and the Spirit of God into an all absorbing adoration of God!


When you worship in Spirit and truth, what matters is not the trappings of it, but the truth of it; it’s not the solemnness of it, but the spirit of it, and it’s not where you worship, but how and who you worship.


John 4:25-26 — Expecting Christ leads to encounters with Christ.


John 4:27Christ’s disciples often marvel over those who meet the Master.


John 4:28-29 — All who are confronted with the unconditional love of Christ are convinced that He is Christ, because only He could love someone like them in a way like that.


John 4:28-30 — All who are confronted with the unconditional love of Christ are not only convinced that He is Lord, but are also compelled to lead others to Christ.


John 4:30-34 — Like Christ, all Christians should also say, “I’d rather do God's will than eat.” We too should prefer evangelism over eating.


John 4:35-39 — Christians should not see others through the eyes of prejudice as hated Samaritans, but see all people through the eyes of Christ as souls to harvest.


John 4:40-42 — It’s not enough to hear about Christ from others, you must hear Him for yourself. It's not enough to hear the testimony of others, you need to have a testimony of your own. Only after personally acquainting yourself with Him will He abide with you!


John 4:43-44 — It’s hardest for a prophet’s hometown, those best acquainted with him, to actually see God’s hand upon him and him as God's herald through whom God is speaking to them.


John 4:45 — Christ is welcomed wherever the wonderstruck are wondering over His works.


John 4:46-54 — The moment Christ is taken at His Word His miracles materialize.


John 5:23 — To honor Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to honor God the Father. and to dishonor Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to dishonor God the Father.


John 5:30 — If we, like Christ, are to fulfill the Father’s will in our lives rather than our own, we too will have to forgo our judgement for the Father’s judgment; that is, we’ll have to assess things as God assesses them.

John 5:39 — Jesus Christ is the subject and sum of Scripture. He is what it is all about and what it all adds up to.


John 5:39 — The Bible is a divinely inspired hologram, which when illuminated by God’s Spirit shows God’s Son, Jesus Christ, on its every sacred page.


John 5:39 — The purpose of Scripture—the written Word of God—is to get us to God’s Son—the living Word of Godso that we may have eternal life.


John 5:43 — The world receives those who want to make a name for themselves, but rejects those who want to magnify the name of Jesus.


John 5:44  No one honestly believes in Christ who would rather be honored by men than to honor and be honored by God.


To live to gratify men
Is to shackle yourself to their every whim.
To lower yourself to live as such a slave
Leads but to be forgotten in the grave.
However, to live to glorify God 
Is to be free from public facade.
It’s to pursue life’s true and great endeavor,
Which leads to enjoying God forever!


John 6:5-14 — Human resources provide little for the crowd and prove little about Christ, but divine resources provide more than enough for the crowd and prove much about Christ.


John 6:8-13 Like the lad, if we will give our all to Christ, no matter how meager it is, in His hands and with His blessing, our all, which is not near enough, will miraculously become more than enough.


John 6:9-13 — While it may seem to you but a pittance, give all you have to Christ, for in His hands, your meager less than enough miraculously becomes more than enough.


John 6:10  To be a recipient of the miraculous work of Jesus, we must first sit down, ceasing to work ourselves, for the miracles of Jesus are never gained by us, but always given to us.


John 6:10  We're never ready to receive the miraculous work of Christ until we're resting from our own work.


John 6:29 — The work of God is to simply believe in Jesus. While I must make myself available for His use, I must do so relying on His omnipotence to do all things and realizing my impotence to do anything.


John 6:37 — The Savior is a hoarder of souls. He saves and keeps every soul His Father gives Him, and will never let one of them go.


John 6:68 — Apart from Christ there is nowhere else to go nor no one else to turn to for eternal life.


John 7:17  Both the will of God and the Word of God are positively proven to their practitioners.


To prove God’s Word you need but to practice God’s will.


John 7:24 Nothing in this fallen world is as God created it to be. Therefore, we must peer through physical appearances and personal perceptions into spiritual realities to judge things rightly. Only through the eyes of faith can things be seen as they really are.


John 8:7 The Christ-given qualification for stone throwing is sinlessness. Otherwise, as sinners ourselves, we need to drop the stones of sanctimonious self-righteousness and drop to our knees in sincere self-reproach.


John 8:32 — The acquisition of freedom is in direct correlation to one's acquaintance with the truth. The more familiar and intimate you become with the truththe Lord Jesus Christthe freer you'll be and the more liberty you'll know.


John 8:44 — Every lie spawns and gives birth to another bad seed of the devil, who is the father of lies.


John 8:44-45 — Truth tellers are always disbelieved and distrusted by the liar-loving children of the devil.


John 8:44-48 — Every spoken lie spawns and gives birth to another bad seed of the devil, who is the father of all lies. 


The truth-telling children of God are always disbelieved and demonized by the lie-loving children of the devil.


John 8:46 — Even Christ’s enemies found Him irreproachable.


John 8:57-59 The great I Am became a man in the man Christ Jesus, so that He can be whatever we need. I Am what? We fill in the blank. If we need salvation, Jesus says, "I Am Salvation!" If we need healing, Jesus says, "I Am Healing!" Whatever we need Jesus can be!


John 9:31 — He who practices the worship of God and performs the will of God will be heard by God when he prays to God.


John 10:1-5 — If Christ’s sheep know His voice and will not follow, but will flee from the voice of a stranger, then followers of false teachers cannot possibly be members of the flock of the Good Shepherd


John 10:30 — God the Father and God the Son are inseparable; not believing in one is to believe in neither.


John 11:11-14 — There are situations in life when we need our Savior to be plainspoken, soft-pedaling will prove inscrutable.


John 11:21-26  The resurrection is not an event, but a person—the Lord Jesus Christ. The physical demise of all who believe in Him is therefore totally inconsequential, since believers in Him never really die, but live on eternally after their earthly expiration.


For the believer in Christ, death ain't no big deal!


John 11:25-26 — Death for the Christian ain’t no big deal; in fact, the Christian’s death is referred to by Christ as quite inconsequential.


John 11:35 The shortest verse in the Bible speaks volumes to believers. Though we are never told that Jesus laughed, we are told that Jesus wept. There's tears, not tittering, in the train of "the man of sorrows." Therefore, tissues, not tinsel, are crucial to all followers of Christ.


John 11:35 — The shortest verse in the Bible speaks volumes to us of the Savior's sympathy for human suffering.


John 11:38-40 Believers in Jesus Christ, who is the Resurrection, are alone promised to behold the glory of God at the burial sites of their beloved ones. (John 11:25)


John 11:40 The eyes of faith are never more needed than when we can see no way out. It's in our darkest hour that the glory of God is best seen.


John 11:41-42 — Prayers prayed “in Jesus name”—in His stead and by His authorized surrogates—as Christ Himself promised, can’t miss, since the Father always attends to the prayers of His Son, even those prayed through His emissaries.


John 12:1-8 The ministry that magnifies the Master is always centered on Jesus and criticized by all Judases. Furthermore, It always results in an irrepressible testimony that will prove immemorial! (Mark 14:1-9)


John 12:3  The more costly our worship the more irrepressible our witness.


The most sacrificial worshipers are the most successful witnesses. 


John 12:9-11 Are you, like Lazarus, whom Christ raised from the dead, targeted by Christ's enemies for being such a powerful testimony to Christ? You should be, if Christ has truly raised you too from the dead; that is, from your death in trespasses and sins. (Ephesians 2:1)


John 12:31 In the shadow of the cross, Christ declared, “Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Ever since Calvary, the devil has been illegally squatting on God’s redeemed earth. Therefore, all the redeemed need to do to cast him out of their lives upon this earth is show him his eviction notice, written in blood by a nail-scarred hand.


John 12:44 — To believe in Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to believe in God the Father.


John 12:47-48  Although men today seek to sit in judgment on God's Word, it is God's Word that will ultimately be used to judge men.


John 12:48  Although men sit today in judgment on God's Word, on the Day of Judgment, God's Word will sit in judgment on all men.


To silence the voice of God is damnation in time! (Oswald Chambers)


John 13:3-17 True spiritual authority is always girded in humility and worn by a servant. You will always find it kneeling at your feet. On the other hand, you should never call anyone a spiritual authority who insist upon your kneeling at their feet.


John 13:10  Having been bathed by Jesus in His blood from our sins, all we need now is to have our feet washed by Jesus in the water of His Word. (Ephesians 5:26)


Being definitely and forever forgiven by the Savior, all the Christian needs now is to daily and faithfully follow the Scripture.


John 13:17 The blessed Christian is not a professed Christian, but a practicing one. To be truly blessed you must live out your Christian faith, not just learn about it.


John 13:20 — To receive Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to receive God the Father.


John 13:23 — The heartbeat of Christ is learned by His most intimate disciples who live their lives leaning on Him. 


John 13:27 — Christ's words, "That thou doest, do quickly," were not so much a charge to Judas, as a command to Satan, who had just entered into Judas. It was time for God's plan for the salvation of man to be executed and for Christ to command the pawns in the plan to swiftly do their part.


John 13:34-35  The only way to live Christlike before others is to love others as Christ loves us, which alone will prove to others that we are disciples of Christ!


Others will not care how much we know about Christ, until they know that we care for them like Christ.


John 14:6 — Any supposed Christian who professes to believe in the possibility of other paths to God apart from Christ is a spiritual imposter and no Christian at all.


John 14:6 — No one believing that there are other paths to God apart from Christ knows the truth about the way to eternal life.


John 14:6 — No one believing that there are other ways to God apart from Christ is acquainted with God.


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is not a truth, but the Truth!


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is not one of many ways, but the only Way.


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is not a life choice, but Life itself.


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is more than a prophet pointing out the way; He is the Way.


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is more than a teacher teaching the truth; He is the Truth.


John 14:6 — Jesus Christ is not a philosopher explaining life, but He is Life.


John 14:8-9 — All you have to do to see God is look at Jesus.