Introduction: The book of Joel is not only the earliest book of the minor prophets, but possibly the earliest book of all the Old Testament prophets. Joel introduces us to “the day of the Lord,” an expression strewn throughout the pages of sacred Scripture. The expression normally points to some pending judgment on a particular people at a particular time that foreshadows the consummate “day of the Lord,” which is God’s judgment of all people at the end of time.
Joel 1:15; 2:1, 11, 31; 3:14,18 — The day of the Lord—a pending judgment on a particular people at a particular time, which points to the ultimate judgment of all people at the end of time—was first declared by the ancient Prophet Joel, who made it the theme of his prophecy.
Joel 1:14-15 — The approaching day of the Lord calls the people of the Lord to solemn assembly in the house of the Lord.
Joel 1:1-20 — Joel's prophecy had an immediate and literal fulfillment in a literal plague of locusts.
Joel 2:1-17 — Joel's prophecy had a later and symbolic fulfillment in an invading enemy army—the Judah conquering Chaldeans.
Joel 1:6-2:11 — Joel's prophecy will have an ultimate and spiritual fulfillment in a demonic invasion of the whole earth. (see also Revelation 9:1-12)
Joel 2:12-13 — It is the rending of repentant hearts that God requires, not the rending of religious raiments.
Joel 2:18-3:21 — God pours out His Spirit on all who decide to receive His Son, but sits in judgment on all who decide to reject His Son.