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Tweeting Through Jeremiah


Introduction: The second book of the Old Testament’s Major Prophets is Jeremiah, who is known as “the Weeping Prophet.” Jeremiah’s unpopular and sorrowful message of God’s coming judgment on unrepentant Judah was not only heartbreaking to the prophet himself, but also resulted in his severe persecution at the hands of the own countrymen.

Jeremiah 1:1-3 — God's Word comes to God's prophets at God's discretion, not the prophets' desire.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 — If  unborn children have been chosen by God before conception and consecrated before birth, how condemnable a sin is abortion?

Jeremiah 1:6-12 — The prophet's voice is the most powerful in the world, since he speaks what the Almighty will assuredly accomplish.

Jeremiah 1:10 — As the herald of God’s immutable truth and inevitable plans and purposes, the word of the prophet is more powerful than the word of any prime minister, president, or potentate.

Jeremiah 1:12 — A sure way to get God’s attention is to pray God’s Word, which He is always attentive to and anxious to perform.

Jeremiah 1:13-19 — God's prophets are to stand and proclaim God's unpopular Word, not cower before people by catering to popular opinion.

Jeremiah 2:1-3 — Israel, the firstfruits of God's harvest of souls, was the beginning of the worldwide harvest of "whosoever will may come." 

Jeremiah 2:4-12 — The heavens are horrified and angels appalled when God's children exchange their Father in glory for worthless false gods. 

Jeremiah 2:13-19 — To forsake the fountain of living water for our own dug and dry cisterns is an evil that serves as its own censure.

Jeremiah 2:20 — Incorrigibleness is epitomized by those who freely worship idols after having their yoke broken by God.

Jeremiah 2:21 — Incorrigibleness is epitomized by degenerates who produce putrid fruit after having been planted by God to produce delectable fruit.

Jeremiah 2:22 — The stain of sin cannot be removed or rubbed out by strenuously scrubbing ourselves with the soap of our own self-righteousness.

Jeremiah 2:23-25 — Many a sinner, whose lust for sin makes it irresistible to them, will refuse to own up to their obsession with it, resulting in their obliteration over it.

Jeremiah 2:26-28 — Those guilty of the idiocy of idolatry will be proven idiots and ignored by God in the time of trouble.

Jeremiah 2:29-30 The sinner’s case against God is contrived, but God’s case against the sinner is cut and dried.

Jeremiah 2:31-32 — Sinners can no more forget God and claim that they have no need of Him than a bride can forget her wedding dress and claim she has no need of it. 

Jeremiah 2:33-37 — Sinners who prostitute themselves to other lovers rather than confessing their sins to a loving God will be condemned by God along with their beholden and beloved beaus.

Jeremiah 3:1-10 — To return to God and be reconciled to Him, God's prostituted people must turn from their other lovers with a broken heart and back to Him who is altogether lovely with a whole heart. (Song of Solomon 5:16)


Jeremiah 3:11-13 — To God, treachery is a greater evil than unfaithfulness, since its covertness makes confession, repentance, and forgiveness less likely. Still, both the treasonous and the treacherous who repent can receive remission.  

Jeremiah 3:13  To acknowledge our iniquity and idolatry sounds so simple, but nothing is harder for the iniquitous idolator to do. Still, our absolution from our sin awaits only our acknowledgment of our sin.

Unconfessed sin causes a chasm between you and God, but confessed sin constructs a bridge.

Jeremiah 3:14-18 — God's repentant remnant will eventually need no relic (ark) to represent God's presence, for they will live eternally in the reality of it. 

Jeremiah 3:19-25 — The legitimate children of God will be healed by God of their backsliding, but the illegitimate children of God will be entombed by God in their shame and interred in their sin.

Jeremiah 4:1-2 — You're as close to God and as compelling a witness of His as you choose to be.

Jeremiah 4:3-4 — To avoid the breakout of God's wrath, we must circumcise and break up the fallow ground of our hearts.

Jeremiah 4:5-9 — In the day of God's judgment, self-serving politicians will be scared spitless and self-serving pastors and prophets speechless. 

Jeremiah 4:10-31 — The shamelessly sinful are not divinely deceived, but self-deceived to expect peace rather than punishment amidst the gathering and searing winds of God's judgment.

Jeremiah 5:1-9 — Those faithful to God are rare, but the unfaithful are plentiful among the powerful, the prosperous, and even the poor. 
Jeremiah 5:10-14  — Starry-eyed people who deny impending judgment and windbag preachers who won't declare it are always burned up by the true prophet of God who proclaims it.
Jeremiah 5:15-21 — Those who exalt idols end up enslaved by their enemies. 
Jeremiah 5:22-23 — How do stubborn sinners not fear Him who uses the minuscule sands of a beach as a boundary for the mighty breakers of the sea? 
Jeremiah 5:24-25 — How do stubborn sinners not fear Him who alone grants the showers that guarantee their sustenance?
Jeremiah 5:26-29 — When those who excel in evil grow powerful and rich, becoming fat and sleek, it is but the vanguard to God's vengeance.
Jeremiah 5:30-31 — The prophet and priest who is an appeaser is preferred by the people, but they leave the people unprepared for life's end.
Jeremiah 5:30-31 — It is both a horrific and horrible thing when God’s people love to be lulled to sleep by soothing false preachers and lorded over by self-serving pastors, for it leaves them in the end unprepared for what’s to come.  
Jeremiah 6:1-8 — When oppression is rampant, evil prolific, and violence resounding, the sun is setting and the night of judgment falling.
Jeremiah 6:9 — God's true remnant are gleaned by God's judgment. They are threshed by God, but only to be separated and spared for God.
Jeremiah 6:10 The uncircumcised ear ignores the Word of God, finding it intolerably repugnant.
Jeremiah 6:11-12 — The Lord's wrath is not withheld by the Lord's prophet, but unequivocally and indiscriminately proclaimed to both young and old.
Jeremiah 6:13-15 — Although false prophets do not blush to bandage sinners' terminal wounds with Band-Aids, they will be judged by God for their prophetic malpractice. (Jeremiah 8:10-12)  
Jeremiah 6:16-26 — Those who spurn God's ways and Word will eventually find themselves surrounded by the sword of His wrath.
Jeremiah 6:27-32 — Prophets serve as assayers and refiners of God's people, bellows whose blasting heat distinguishes refined silver from rejected. 
Jeremiah 7:1-11 — Frequenting the house of God is no substitute for faith in God, faithfulness to God, or of fellowship with God. You can go to Hell by way of the church.
Jeremiah 7:12-15 — A Shiloh—a place of God—becomes deserted by God and spiritually desolate once God is no longer heard nor heeded there.
Jeremiah 7:16-20 — It's too late to pray for people who have completely disgraced themselves by incorrigibly devoting themselves to made-up deities.
Jeremiah 7:21-26 — Sacrifices of the obstinate, who refuse to obey God, might as well be barbecues for themselves as burnt offerings to God. The simple truth is; the wayward cannot worship and their oblations are objectionable and obnoxious to God.  
Jeremiah 7:27-29 — Truth has perished in a God-forsaken nation when God's people are incorrigible and His prophets are ignored.

Jeremiah 7:30-34 — A nation that sacrifices its children is guilty before God of the unthinkable. It is destined for slaughter on the day of God’s judgment, when it will certainly cease to be the pride of its people and become a cemetery for their corpses.


Jeremiah 7:31  Whether sacrificed by idolators or slain by abortionists, the killing of our children is the one crime Scripture proclaims to be inconceivable to our omniscient God!


Abortion is not the killing of potential human beings, but the killing of human beings with potential.


Jeremiah 8:1-7 — We doom ourselves to the boneyard and our children to bondage when we take hold of deceit and turn our backs on God.

Jeremiah 8:8-9  — All who discard God's Word are devoid of wisdom. Though they may profess to be wise, they will be proven witless.
Jeremiah 8:10-12 — Although false prophets do not blush to bandage sinners' terminal wounds with Band-Aids, they will be judged by God for their prophetic malpractice. (Jeremiah 6:13-15)
Jeremiah 8:13-22 — When salvation fails to come, neither physician nor balm can cure the heartsickness of errant sinners upon whom God's judgment will inevitable fall. 
Jeremiah 9:1-2 — The prophet's lot is a sorrowful life of sought out solitude, for he sees through the veneer to the villainy of the people.

Jeremiah 9:1-2 — When his country turns treasonous towards God and his countrymen become treacherous toward one another, the prophet cries day and night and seeks solace at a solitary site. 

Jeremiah 9:3-5 — A double tongue is a bow shooting arrows of deception. It is incapable of truth-telling, having masterfully trained itself to lie. 
Jeremiah 9:3-11 — When the tongues of men have become bows shooting barrages of lies, when truth is nowhere to be found, when treachery is all around, and when no man can be trusted, one can be assured that God will avenge Himself against such a truth-spurning and treacherous nation.

Jeremiah 9:6 — Today’s Americans, like the ancient Prophet Jeremiah, live in the midst of deceit, where the deceived so delight in deception that they not only deny the true knowledge of God, but decline God’s invitation to come to know Him. 

Jeremiah 9:6-9  — In a spiritually deceived world that is unacquainted with God, men's tongues are deadly arrows of poison tipped deception.
Jeremiah 9:6-22 — When the fruit of our lips is deception, the time has come to lament over our land, because of its imminent destruction.

Jeremiah 9:12-16 — Only the wise man, to whom the Lord has explained it, can personally understand and publicly utter the unutterable, upcoming, unmerciful, and seemingly unintelligible ruinous judgment of God upon a rebellious and unrepentant nation. 


Jeremiah 9:17-22 — It is time to call for mourning rather than prayer and for lamentation rather than supplication when all hope is lost, God’s judgement is sure, and the future of our younger generation is forfeited.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 — Life's only legitimate boast is to know God, for it, unlike all other boasts, is not fleeting, but forever! 
Jeremiah 9:23-26 — On the day of judgment, there will be no delight in temporal worldly things; such as, how much one knows, what positions of power one holds, or how many possessions one has. Instead, on that day, it will become abundantly clear that life's only legitimate and everlasting delight is to know God. 
Jeremiah 9:25-26 — It is the inward circumcision of the heart, not the outer circumcision of the flesh that delivers from divine retribution.
Jeremiah 10:1-16 — The idiocy of idolatry is clearly seen in the idolator's silly substitution of the God who made man with manmade gods.
Jeremiah 10:17-25 — God's patience is not inexhaustible, as is proven by His reluctant judgment of His own people. Although He austerely chastens them, He does not angrily condemn them as He does others.
Jeremiah 10:23 — No man is the captain of his own fate and there's no such thing as a self-made man. Instead, divine providence supersedes and superintends all human plans.
Jeremiah 11:1-17 — When God's Word is disobeyed and His warnings disregarded, His wrath is ultimately incited and intercession becomes utterly ineffectual.
Jeremiah 11:18-23 — God will so thoroughly avenge His prophets against those scheming to rub out the memory of their names that the schemers will be left without a remnant. 
Jeremiah 12:1 — The puzzlement of the wicked's worldly prosperity is a perplexity with which the righteous perpetually wrestle.
Jeremiah 12:2-3 — The worldly success of hypocrites often incenses God's struggling and sincere seers.
Jeremiah 12:4 — A wicked people who believe their fate is hidden from God's eye and not in God's hand, but believes themselves to be captains of their own fate, will not only sink their ship of state, but be dumbfounded as it goes down.

Jeremiah 12:5Have you ever sought God's sympathy only to be told by God to suck it up? Have you ever whined about your worries only to hear God warn, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” If you trip over today’s tiny troubles, what will you do in the thick thicket of tomorrow’s?

Jeremiah 12:5 — If you complain about life's typical troubles how will you cop with life's true tragedies.
Jeremiah 12:6 — In treacherous times one cannot even trust one's own flattering family and friends.
Jeremiah 12:7-9 — A people who roar their defiance of God will be detested and deserted by God.
Jeremiah 12:10-11 — Many a self-seeking pastor of God's people trample them under the cover of Christian service, leaving congregations sadly crying over their sorry spiritual condition.
Jeremiah 12:12-17 — Repentance of sin brings redemption and peace, but there is neither peace nor profit for the unrepentant and self-righteous.
Jeremiah 13:1-11 — We are glorifying and useful to God if we cling to Him, but if we get loose in our living we are corrupted and made useless to God.
Jeremiah 13:12-14 — Those not filled with God’s Spirit, but intoxicated with their sin, will be unsparingly smashed together like empty wine bottles.
Jeremiah 13:15-27 — Those who forget the truth and trust in falsehood can no more do good than a leopard can change his spots.
Jeremiah 17:5-6 — Those who trust in men rather than God are cursed by God. Their prospects for the future are as poor as a stunted shrub struggling to survive in desert sands.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 — To trust and hope in the Lord is to have a blessed soul rather than a bothered one. It is to have as bright a future as a sturdy deep-rooted tree stately standing on a riverbank.


Jeremiah 18:1-4 — Though the clay be marred, it is not discarded by the Potter, but remolded and remade into a vessel fit for the Potter’s use. If Christ discarded all flawed clay, He’d have no chosen vessels in all the world today! 


Jeremiah 18:5-12  The Potter can remold and remake a chosen nation into a condemned one, because of its resistance to His sculpting, as well as remold and remake a condemned nation into a chosen one, because of its repentance of its sins.


Jeremiah 19:3 — Most churchgoers today want tickled ears, not tingling ones, which explains why most clergy are compromising ear ticklers rather than courageous truth tellers. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Jeremiah 22:1 Contrary to popular opinion, nowhere nor no one is out of bounds to the prophet of God. He is to preach to presidents in the White House, not just to parishioners in the church house.

Jeremiah 23:6 — JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU means “the Lord our Righteousness. Our only hope of being righteous, of ever being right with God, is Jesus Christ, who alone makes us acceptable to God. (Ephesians 1:6)


Our righteousness is Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with who we are and what we’ve done, but everything to do with who Jesus is and what He has done for us, which we could have never done for ourselves. (1 Corinthians 1:30)

Jeremiah 23:6  It is not only the substitutionary death of Christ, but also the sinless life of Christ that makes us right with God. We’re not right with God because of the righteous lives we’re living for Christ, but because of the sinless life Christ lived for us.
If Jesus Christ, OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, had not lived a sinless life, He could not have died for our sins, but only for His own; in which case, we'd have no hope of ever being right with God, being forever unredeemed and unrighteous!  


Jeremiah 28:15-17 — The Lord will wipe from the face of the earth false prophets who preach rebellion against the Lord and persuade people to trust in lies. 

Jeremiah 29:13 — You will never find God until you search for Him with all your heart; that is, until He has become your soul's sole pursuit, so much so that it so obscures all other pursuits as to make them all obsolete.
Jeremiah 29:13 — Halfhearted seekers will never succeed in their pursuit of God. Only those who wholeheartedly pursue Him will ever be rewarded by Him with true intimacy with Him. 
Jeremiah 29:13 — You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything else apart from Christ.
Jeremiah 36:22-24  Once you start whittling away at the Word of God, you can't stop until all the Word of God is whittled away. To throw any part of the Bible into the fire is to burn up the whole Bible.
The Bible is either all the Word of God or not God’s Word at all!
"If there be one falsehood in the Bible there may be a thousand; neither can it proceed from the God of truth." (John Wesley)
Jeremiah 45:1-5 — When God's judgment is inevitable, personal ambitions are annulled and national preservation is no longer possible. Instead, one needs to find his sole solace in the salvation of his soul and in his own personal survival.

Jeremiah 45:1-5 

— When the sword of God's judgment is finally raised against all flesh, the saint must resolve not to fall prey to self-pity and to relinquish the pursuit of great things. Instead, he must rest in the solace of God's promised salvation as his sole spoil of war and only reliable reward.