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Tweeting Through Isaiah


Introduction: The book of Isaiah is the first and longest book of the Old Testament’s Major Prophets. Isaiah is called the “Messianic Prophet,” because he prophesied more than any other Old Testament prophet about the coming of God’s promised Messiah.

Isaiah 1:1 — Where there is no vision from God there can be no prophet of God.

Isaiah 1:2-3 — Dumb beasts don’t bite the hand that feeds them, but human beings, even God’s own people, do defy Him upon whom they are totally dependent.

Isaiah 1:2-7 — If we bite God’s caring hand that feeds us we'll be bruised by His chastening hand that will flatten us.

Isaiah 1:4-5 — When a people become steeped in sin, they become sick in the head. Unrestrained sin inevitably results in unsound minds and the madness of a society.

Isaiah 1:8-10 — Just as it did with ancient Judah, the reproach of sin has reduced present-day America to another Sodom. We’ve been reduced in God's eyes from John Winthrop’s shining city on a hill to the Prophet Isaiah’s abandoned caretaker’s shed in a dried up cucumber patch.

Isaiah 1:11-17 — The practice of religion by the unrepentant is repugnant to God.

Isaiah 1:15 — If bloodstained hands cannot be lifted up in prayer nor the prayers of the bloodthirsty heard or heeded by God, how can America, with hands stained with the blood of 60 million abortions, expect the Almighty to answer our prayers?

Isaiah 1:18 The only reasonable thing for sinners to do is to come to God for salvation from their sins.

Isaiah 1:18 — The only reasonable thing for a sinner to do is to come penitently to God to be purified and pardoned; otherwise, he’ll perish imbrued by the insanity of his own iniquity.

Isaiah 1:19-31 — The fire of God’s judgment chastens and refines all saints, but consumes and removes all sinners.

Isaiah 1:21-23 — As is proven by the crimes in our streets, the corruption of our leaders, and the injustices of our courts, Lady Liberty is no longer a lady, but has become a harlot in the sight of God.

Isaiah 2:1-4 — World peace is an impossibility when God’s house is not pedestaled; but when it is exalted, men will cease to learn the art of war and come to it to learn the Word of God.

Isaiah 2:5 — To walk in the light of the Lord is to live life as Christ enlightened us to live by His exemplarily life and to walk through our lives in the footsteps of His perfect example. (see also John 1:4 and 1 Peter 2:21)


Isaiah 2:6 — Multiculturalism—the assimilating of our culture into others—is not only forbidden among the people of God, but a sure way for God’s people to become God-forsaken.


Isaiah 2:7-21 — In the coming Day of the Lord, the lofty will be brought low. In their quivering fear of God, they will quickly fling to the ground all of their false gods and fortunes of gold.


Isaiah 2:12-17 — Everything lofty and lifted up upon the earth will be brought low when the Lord returns. In the majesty of the Most High, everything else is minimized and miniaturized.


Isaiah 2:22 — Why should your nose be in the air when you have no assurance of your next breath?


Isaiah 3:1-3 — National security is nonexistent in a God-forsaking nation. Both its abundant goods and acclaimed guardians will be taken away by an angry God. 


Isaiah 3:4 — Childish leaders are a sure sign that a country is going down for the count.


Isaiah 3:5 — Sure Scriptural signs of national decay due to divine desertion: (1) The populace turning on one another (2) The young disrespecting their elders, and (3) The vile’s vitriolic opposition to the virtuous.


Isaiah 3:6-7 — A sure sign that a God-forsaking nation is being reduced by God to ruins is its request to be ruled over by ragtag incompetents.


Isaiah 3:8-12 — A nation is headed to ruin when it provokes the Lord to wrath by proudly parading around in its sin and allowing itself to be governed by the infantile and effeminate.


Isaiah 3:13-15 —In a God-forsaking nation, the populace ends up betrayed, plundered, and broken to pieces by self-serving “public servants.”


Isaiah 3:16-24 — Strutting, swaying, and seducing women will be put to shame. Their stylish raiment replaced with sackcloth, their jingling jewelry with shackling chains, the scent of their perfume with the stench of putridity, and their beautiful hairstyles with bald-headedness.


Isaiah 5:1-7 — When the vineyard of the Lord—God’s people—produces sour grapes rather than good grapes, despite being planted with the choicest Vine and protected and pruned by the most caring Vinedresser, it will end up unwalled from its enemies, unweeded of its tares, and unwatered by Heaven. (John 15:1-8)


Isaiah 5:1-7 — There is no sadder song of the blues in all of the Bible than the Song of the Vineyard. It serves as spiritual taps over the people of God, whenever they become unfruitful and unfaithful. Tragically, you can hear it’s haunting melody bugled today over America’s contemporary church.


Isaiah 5:8-10 — The inevitable aftermath of the insatiable appetite of the avarice is eventual empty estates and fruitless fields, both of which attest to the absolute meaningless of materialism.


Isaiah 5:11-14 — The judgment of God will prove to be the ultimate party popper to senseless sots who are unmindful of the work of the Almighty and given over to the musical merriment of the world.


Isaiah 5:15-17 — In His judgment, God is exalted. By humbling the haughty He is honored. By punishing the reprobate He is proven righteous. And by the meek’s inheritance of the earth He establishes His justice upon it.


Isaiah 5:18-19 — Woe to him who strains to haul a wagonload of sin and scoffs at both the Word and wrath of God.


Isaiah 5:20  To call good evil and evil good is to prove oneself a foe of good and a friend of evil.


"One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good." (Edmund Burke)


Isaiah 5:20 — When good is called evil and evil is called good, evil days are mistaken for good times.


Isaiah 5:21 — Woe to him who believes his "wisdom"—fallible opinions—superior to God's Word—His infallible oracles. Such woeful foolishness proves one to be a human nitwit who believes he can outwit divine omniscience.


Isaiah 5:22 — Woe to the lush whose lone laurel is that he can hold his liquor.


Isaiah 5:23 — Woe to the unjust jurist who acquits the guilty and condemns the innocent for personal profit.


Isaiah 5:24 — Those who cast aside and despise God’s Word will be devoured and consumed like stubble and chaff in the fire of God’s wrath.


Isaiah 5:25 — When God’s hand is stretched out to us, but slapped away by us, it will be raised in judgment upon us.


Isaiah 5:25-30 — Foreign invaders may be the instrument God wields to invoke His furious indignation.


Isaiah 6:1-4 — Although you may enter God’s house seeing gloom without, if you encounter God within, you’ll exit seeing glory the whole world over.


Isaiah 6:5 — Our sin is never more glaring than when seen in the glory of God’s holiness.


Isaiah 6:5-7  Unlike a puppet of Satan, who has an untamed tongue set on fire by Hell, a prophet of God has cleansed lips set on fire by Heaven. (James 3:1-12)


Christians need the fire of the Holy Spirit, not of unholy spirits, to set their hearts aflame and tongues afire. (Acts 2:1-4)


Isaiah 6:5-8The “WOE” of confession must precede the “LO” of cleansing, which must precede the “GO” of commission. Before we can go for God in His service, we must be cleansed by God at His altar, having confessed to God our sins.


Isaiah 6:9-10 — The lot of the Lord’s prophet is to proclaim what people refuse to listen to with their ears, to look at with their eyes, and to learn in their hearts.


Isaiah 6:11-13 — Like in the God-forsaking homeland of the ancient Prophet Isaiah, the hardheartedness of humanity in our present-day world will persist until the obstinate are removed and only God’s remnant remain.


Isaiah 7:1-9 — Would-be conquerors of God’s people who sit on thrones in earthly capitals will find God the final disposer of their futile proposal. 


Isaiah 7:9 — A faith not stood for is a faith that will not stand!


Isaiah 7:10-13 — To refuse to put God's promises to the test is to test God's patience.


Isaiah 7:14 — The incontrovertible confirmation of the certainty of God’s promises is the virgin birth of Immanuel. Why else would God have gone to such lengths as to live among us if it were not for His resolve to do for us all that He has promised to us?


Isaiah 8:1-4 — The longest name in the Bible, which was not written illegibly, but intelligibly by a man’s inspired pen, serves as a sure indication of the swiftness of God’s soon coming judgment. 


Isaiah 8:5-8 — When the people of God refuse to seek solace by the Lord's still waters, the floodwaters of the world will rise to their necks.


Isaiah 8:9-10 — Worldly foes cannot overwhelm a people whom God is with, which makes God’s presence the only foolproof plan for national security.


Isaiah 8:11-12 — God’s Word comes to us as a strong hand to keep us from being strong armed by public opinion. 


Isaiah 8:11-15 — The Lord is a fortress to those who fear Him, who trust in divine sovereignty and are not terrified by human conspiracies. The Lord is a rock the consecrated shall stand upon and the conspirator shall stumble over.


Isaiah 8:16-17 — In perilous times, God’s Word must be preserved, passed down, and its promises patiently waited for.


Isaiah 8:18 — A man’s family should serve as proof of God’s promises and as a testimony to the truth of God’s Word.


Isaiah 8:19-20 — It is lunacy for the living to forsake the living God for the counsel of mediums who masquerade as channelers of the dead. All who do so deprive themselves of divine light and truth and plunge themselves into demonic darkness and deception.


Isaiah 8:20 — God’s Word (the Bible) is a lie detector, disproving anything and discrediting anyone in disagreement with it.


To detect truth from lies demands the diligent study of Scripture, for all who do not know the Bible, cannot know what is true from what is false and what is right from what is wrong.


Isaiah 9:1-2 — Overcome and overrun by Gentiles in Isaiah’s day, Galilee, a land of darkness and distress, would become a land of great light and deliverance when illuminated and liberated by the initiating of the promised Messiah’s miraculous ministry within it. (Matthew 4:12-17)


Isaiah 9:3 — The coming of the predicted and promised Messiah would transform Galilee from a land of sorrow into a land of joy, since it would bring salvation to the nations, not just to Israel, resulting in a worldwide harvest of souls and incalculable spiritual spoils.


Isaiah 9:4-5 — The coming of the predicted and promised Messiah would bring liberty and peace to vanquished and war-torn Galilee—liberty from sin, a far greater foe than Midian, and peace with God, which will ultimately end all wars and bring peace on earth.


Isaiah 9:6 — Isaiah predicted salvation would arrive with the birth of a child—born in Bethlehem and lain in a manager—and would be accomplished by a Son being given—given on Calvary and hung on a cross. Christ is the child born to die that men may be born again to live forever.


Isaiah 9:6 — Christ was born into the world in Bethlehem and given for the world on Calvary so that we might be born again and given eternal life.


Isaiah 9:6 — When the child lain in a feed-trough returns to claim His throne, and the One crucified comes back for His coronation, His name shall be called Wonderful, for the wonder of it all shall leave the world in wonderstruck wonderment.


Isaiah 9:6 — Christ, the Babe Isaiah predicted would be born and the Son He predicted would be given, is the Counselor of all humanity. It is His counsel alone that we will find to be always vital and valid.


Isaiah 9:6  The only Counselor whose counsel you can always confidently follow is Christ, who alone is always right and never lies. (Romans 3:4; Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:27)


The Christian has no more conundrums to fret, only Christ's counsel to follow!


Isaiah 9:6 Christ is the only Counselor and His counsel is the only counsel you'll ever need for the rest of your life. (John 2:5)


Isaiah 9:6 — Wonder of wonders; the Babe to be born in Bethlehem would be “the everlasting Father” and the Son to be given on Calvary would be “the Mighty God.” God came into our world in the form of a helpless human infant and became a man Himself in the man Christ Jesus!


Isaiah 9:6 — Christ, Isaiah’s predicted “Prince of Peace,” came the first time to bring peace with God. He is coming again to bring peace on earth. Apart from Christ, there is no hope of peace: no hope of peace with God, peace of mind, nor peace on earth.


Isaiah 9:6-7 — Although born in a stable, lain in a manger, and eventually hung on a cross, Christ, God’s promised Messiah, is ultimately destined for the throne of a kingdom unbounded in its dimensions, unending in its duration, and definite in its establishment.


Isaiah 9:6-7  When the child born and lain in Bethlehem's trough returns to claim His throne, and the Son given on Calvary's cross comes back for His coronation, His name shall be called Wonderful, for the wonder of it all shall leave the world wonderstruck! (Revelation 19:11-12)


The Hebrew for “wonderful” implies something beyond human comprehension, which explains Revelation 19:11-12. When Christ, the lowly born and crucified savior, returns in all His power and glory to claim His throne and to be crowned Lord of lords and King of kings, His name will be so wonderful as to be beyond human comprehension.


Isaiah 9:7 — Though the kingdom of Christ often appears vulnerable and endangered in this fallen world, it is actually invincible and eternal.


Isaiah 9:8-12 — God is infuriated and His judgment intensified upon an unrepentant nation that is cocky rather than contrite at harbingers of His divine retribution.


Isaiah 9:13-17 — God is infuriated and His judgment intensified upon an unrepentant nation whose politicians lead people to err, whose prophets preach error, and whose people practice evil.


Isaiah 9:18-21 — God is infuriated and His judgment intensified upon an unrepentant nation that devours itself by its own divisiveness to the point of becoming fodder for the fire of God’s fiery indignation.
Isaiah 10:1 — Unjust judges who impose injustice incite the indignation of the Judge of all the earth.
Isaiah 10:1-4 — God is infuriated and His judgment intensified upon an unrepentant nation whose public servants are self-serving, who pass unjust laws, and who prey upon people rather than provide for them and protect them.

Isaiah 10:5-11 Unaware of the fact that they are being welded as the weapon of God’s wrath, the enemies of God’s hypocritical people are merely instruments of divine indignation, not, as they erroneously believe, the unconquerable accomplishers of their own inhumane intentions.


Isaiah 10:12-15 The enemies of God’s people can no more take credit for God’s use of them in chastening His people than a disciplinary rod can take credit for the discipline performed by the one who swings it.


Isaiah 10:16-19 God’s use of the enemies of His people in chastening His people does not preclude God’s eventual and inescapable condemnation of them.


Isaiah 10:20-23 When a nation looks for allies among adversaries and for protection from those bent on its destruction, it will soon be left with a small surviving remnant who have learned the hard way to turn to the Lord alone and to trust Him only for their salvation.


Isaiah 10:24-34 God’s people are secure against the advancing threat of an enemy’s superior forces, as is proven by God’s miraculous deliverance of Israel at the Red Sea, with nothing more than the rod of Moses, and at the rock of Oreb, with nothing more than the sword of Gideon. 

Isaiah 11:1 — Isaiah predicted that the promised Messiah—Anointed One—would spring up from the stump of Jessie like a sprig, a prophecy Matthew said was fulfilled when Jesus came forth as a Nazarene; that is, a branch—Nazareth means branch—from a cut down Israel. (Matthew 2:21-23)
Isaiah 11:2 — Isaiah predicted that the promised Messiah—Anointed One—would have the Spirit without measure. Since seven symbolizes completeness, Christ would completely possess the fullness of the Spirit—the seven spirits of God. (John 3:34; Revelation 3:1)

Isaiah 11:2-4 To judge rightly, as Jesus exemplified and exhorted us to do, requires us to judge things by the dictates of the Holy Spirit and the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, not according to what we see with our eyes or hear with our ears. (John 7:24; Revelation 5:6)


Isaiah 11:2-4 To judge righteously, as Christ both exemplified and exhorted, we must not judge by the sight of our eyes or by the hearing of our ears, but by seeing things through the perfect 20/20 spiritual vision of the Holy Spirit of God. (John 7:24; Revelation 5:6)

Isaiah 11:3 — Isaiah predicted that the promised Messiah would not judge men by mere appearance nor majority acclaim, but by perfect discernment and divine perception. (John 2:24-25; 7:24)
Isaiah 11:4-5 — Isaiah predicted that the promised Messiah would array Himself in righteousness and administer it equitably, by using the rod of His mouth to reprove those who exploit the poor and to rid the earth of all evildoers.
Isaiah 11:6-9 — The only hope of ending worldwide violence and destruction is to fill the world with the knowledge of the Lord. The earth will not be paradisiacal until populated by people who know God. As it’s been poignantly pointed out: KNOW GOD, KNOW PEACE; NO GOD; NO PEACE!

Isaiah 12:1-3 When God’s frowning upon us is changed to His favoring of us our fears are turned into faith and our salvation strengthens, strikes up, and satisfies our joyous souls.

Isaiah 12:4-6 — It is by our prayers, preaching, and praise that we exalt our Lord and make Him known throughout the earth.


Isaiah 13:14 — Illegal immigrants flooding into our country will flee back to their own when God's judgment falls upon us.


Isaiah 14:27 — Nothing, no power on earth, under the earth, nor above the earth, can thwart the predetermined plans and purposes of God.


Isaiah 15:1-9 Wherever God’s judgment falls, idolaters will wail rather than worship, soldiers will be paralyzed with fear rather than prepared to fight, and the flight of fugitives will prove to be both foolish and futile, being life-ending rather than life-saving.


Isaiah 17:7-11 On Judgment Day, it will be too late for idolaters to turn from their make-believe gods and manmade religions to their true Maker. Instead, they will reap nothing but a heap of grief from all that they have sown.


Isaiah 19:1-3 — At the first sight of God’s sure and swift judgment people cower, contention proliferates, plans are confused, pagan idols are proven nonexistent, and occult practices are proven nonsense.