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Here's What We Ought To Do


Has a dictatorship replaced democracy or is America about to be made great again? According to WOKE Americans, it is the former. According to MAGA Americans, it is the latter. On the other hand, what does America’s children of Issachar have to say, if there are any to be found in today’s America? In 1 Chronicles 12:32, we are told that the children of Issachar were those who understood the times and knew what God’s people ought to do. How many Americans are there today who see the signs of the times all around us, clearly signaling to us the commencement of the end-times? And of those who do, how many of them actually understand the signs of the times and know what God’s people ought to be doing?


I know that this Time Capsule will prove to be a bitter pill to swallow for all my fellow evangelicals who are so elated over Tuesday night’s election results, but it is the divine-duty of the prophet to prescribe a bitter dose of truth and reality to the delirious and hallucinating. America’s days are numbered, regardless of who occupies our Oval Office or what political party controls Congress. Our ruin is inevitable, since it is from our ruins that the Biblically predicted beastly world power of the end-times will arise, to lead this fallen world in its final all-out war on God’s People, both His chosen people—Israel and the Jews—and His elect people—the church and Christians. As any child of Issachar should be able to clearly see, our country, as well as our whole world, are both becoming increasingly possessed with the Scripturally foreseen and foretold spirit of antichrist. This frightening fact is made undeniable by the sweeping antisemitism and ever-growing hostility toward Christianity that is now engulfing our earth, as well as our own country.


Tuesday night’s election results have not altered the preordained and Biblically predicted plans and purposes of God. Furthermore, there is no angel in Heaven, devil in Hell, nor man on earth that can prevent them from coming to pass. All will come to pass as God has preordained, so that He can sum it all up in Christ and put Christ over it all for His glory, as well as purify and prepare Christ’s bride, His church, for her eternal marriage to Him, by putting her in the refining fires of end-time tribulation and unprecedented persecution. 


There is something, however, that a child of Issachar should make of Tuesday night’s election results. While the election of Kamala Harris to the presidency, as well as Democrats to majorities in both Houses of Congress, would have definitely expedited our rush to our ruin, as the last four years have indisputably proven, the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, as well as Republicans to at least a majority in the United States Senate, will grant us a little reprieve. We will be graciously granted a little more time to preach the truth in America, so that our fellow Americans will have an opportunity to hear the truth, come to the truth, and be saved by the truth—Jesus Christ! Still, we should not mistake this little reprieve as a cancellation of the dark night that is soon to come upon this earth. According to Jesus, when it comes no man can work (John 9:4). 


The night is falling on this fallen planet. The Gospel will soon be censored and silenced everywhere within it. The true church of Jesus Christ will be forced underground and all brave souls who dare to share the Gospel will do so at the risk not only of their liberty, but also of their lives. We must therefore share the Gospel today with a sense of urgency like never before, since time is running out on us to herald it and for our family, friends, and fellow-men to hear it. This is what we ought to do!