We all know that the ABC moderators of Tuesday night's presidential debate never fact-checked Kamala Harris once, but fact-checked Donald Trump repeatedly. For instance, Linsey Davis told Trump, as well as millions of viewers watching the debate, that "there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born." However, under Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' running mate, there have been at least 5 after-birth or born-alive abortions in Minnesota. In fact, Walz worked with his Democrat-controlled state legislature back in 2023 to not only eliminate reporting on babies left to die after surviving botched abortions, but to free doctors, nurses and medical professionals from any legal obligation to administer life-saving care to infants born alive after botched abortions.
In addition to the above, Ralph Northam, the former Democrat Governor of Virginia, shocked America back in 2019, when he appeared to advocate infanticide or after-birth abortions in a radio interview. According to Northam, in instances of third-trimester abortions, a baby could be born alive, which, Northam said would necessitate a discussion between the physicians and the mother as to whether or not the baby should be saved or resuscitated.
That a large segment of Tuesday night's presidential debate was taken up discussing abortion, which is the biggest plank in the Democratic Party's platform, that Kamala Harris is running for the presidency promising to continue the carnage of unborn children in this country, that the majority of Americans support Democrats' advocacy of abortion on demand, and that at least half of our electorate appears poised to punch their ballots for Kamala Harris to be their president, is all you need to known about the dire and desperate spiritual straits of our spiritually reprobate and unraveling representative republic.