Introduction: The book of Daniel has been called the Old Testament’s book of Revelation. It is undoubtedly, apart from Revelation, the Bible’s most important prophetic book. Many Bible scholars argue, and I believe rightfully so, that without a proper understanding of the Old Testament book of Daniel, one can never truly understand the New Testament book of Revelation. Of all the books of the Old Testament, the one most often quoted in New Testament prophecy is Daniel.
Those prophesies of Daniel that have already been fulfilled have been fulfilled so precisely and in such intricate detail that many Bible critics insist that Daniel is a second century B.C. forgery written after the fact rather than a sixth century B.C. prophecy forecasting future facts. Indeed, of all the books of the Bible, none have been as fervently and frequently attacked as Daniel.
It is easy to understand why Bible critics take aim at Daniel, one of the Bible’s two most important prophetic books. After all, they can easily denounce Bible doctrine as faulty, the claims of Christ as false, and the miracles of the Bible as fantasy. For instance, they can claim Israel’s miraculous crossing of the Red Sea was a mere wading through the shallow waters of the Reed Sea, that the manna in the wilderness was a common sap oozing from a desert plant, that Elijah calling down the fire on Mount Carmel was nothing but a chance bolt of lightning, that Christ’s resurrection was nothing more than the hallucination of His disciples, and that Paul’s miraculous conversion on Damascus Road was a simple sunstroke. However, if the Bible predicts the future, and it’s predictions come true, all Bible critics are left with nothing to say.
Sir Issac Newton, who discovered the law of gravity and is called the father of modern science, once offered this spirited defense of the book of Daniel: “Whoever rejects the prophecies of Daniel does as much as if he undermined the Christian religion, which, so to speak, is founded on Daniel’s prophecies of Christ."
Daniel 1:1-21 — If God's children remain committed to the ways of the Lord and refuse to be conformed to the ways of the world, they will be seen to have the fairest countenances in the world and faithfully serve as clear witnesses to the world.
Daniel 1:1-21 — As Daniel refused to be squeezed into Babylon’s mold, so also the Christian is to refuse to be squeezed into the world’s mold. Like Daniel, all of God’s fair-haired and favored children are unworldly and uncompromising. (Romans 12:2 PHILLIPS)
Daniel 2:1-12 — Divine dreams cannot be interpreted by the psychic network. There’s not a shrink, stargazer, nor soothsayer who can shed light on them or make sense of them.
Daniel 2:13-30 — Divine dreams can only be dissected by a Daniel, a divinely endowed divine, who receives divine revelation in response to dogged supplication.
Daniel 3:1-7 — An idolized government is a government demanding to be bowed to as its people's god. (Daniel 3:1-7)
"Once [you] abolish God, the government becomes god! Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world." (C. K. Chesterton)
Daniel 3:17-18 — The three Hebrews were willing to burn in the fiery furnace rather than to betray their God by bowing to a false god. Such fearless faith is founded upon an unshakable confidence in God’s deliverance, either in the here and now or into the hereafter.
Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung;
Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue;
Tis the grandest theme that the world e’er sung,
Our God is able to deliver thee!
Daniel 3:17-18 — True faith in God and fear of God is found in our willingness to bow to God alone without a guarantee. On the other hand, if we fear and bow to other things, besides God, we will be bound by all we bow to.
Daniel 3:25 — Our faith must not wane nor wither in the fire, but walk through it. Only then will we see Christ with us within it, enabling us to win over it.
Daniel 6:1-23 — Modern-day politicians are like the ancient King Darius, they pretend to be gods—both all-knowing and all-powerful! They want us to appeal to them alone for the solutions to all of our problems, as though they are truly up to the task of terminating our every trouble. Furthermore, the fact that we blame them for all of our troubles, expect them to solve all of our problems, and actually believe their humanly impossible promises, proves that we're no Daniel, someone who fervently refuses to idolize the self-made gods of modern-day politics.
Daniel 6:1-24 — It's not those who deny that government is god, but those who deem it so and demand that everyone bow to it as such that are ultimately devoured by the lions. (1 Peter 5:8)
Daniel 7:27-28 — All the kingdoms of this world are destined to be swept into the dustbin of eternity when divine sovereignty gives an everlasting kingdom to the holy people of the Most High!
Daniel 10:11, 19 — To know that you’re beloved of Heaven bolsters both inner strength and peace, as well as serves as a mighty bulwark against the belittlement of this world. No one favored by Heaven frets over the disfavor of the world.