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Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day. (Psalm 91:5)

Although the night should be a time of sleep and quiet, it is for many a time of fear and horrors. Instead of being assured of the presence of guardian angels, many are anxious at the prospect of demonic visitations. Thus, the time of rest and rejuvenation is turned into a time of apprehension and anxiety. Rather than looking forward to the season of repose, many dread the night as a time of frightening apparitions.


For every real danger in our lives, there is a thousand imaginary ones that haunt us. These conjured-up specters are prolific thieves who steal not only the night’s needed repose, but also one’s daily peace of mind. According to the Psalmist, the fear of nightly terrors and daily dangers—real or imagined—evaporate in the face of a real faith in God. This is not to say that those who trust in God will never struggle with daily dreads or nightly nervousness, it is only to say that they shall not succumb to them.


Safely cradled in the hollow of the Father’s hand, the child of God need not fear any hail of daily arrows or howling of nightly hoards. No peril can touch us without passing through the Father’s fingers, and the Scripture assures us that any peril that does is meant for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). “Why,” then, as a famous hymn queries, “should I feel discouraged [and] why should the shadows come…when Jesus is my portion…and I know He watches over me?”


“Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.” (Anonymous)

Don Walton