Introduction: The book of Acts is the second part of a two-part work written by Luke, the beloved physician. In the first part, his Gospel, Luke, a Gentile, portrays Christ as the Savior of the world. In the second part, the book of Acts, Luke writes about the Acts of the Apostles in establishing Christ's church and initiating within it a worldwide evangelistic movement in obedience to Christ's Great Commission.
Acts 1:1 — Like our Lord, we too should practice show and tell. It’s not enough for us to preach, we must also practice what we preach, lest our actions speak so loud no one can hear what our words are saying.
Acts 1:2-3 — There is no greater infallible proof of the living, resurrected Christ to His chosen apostles than His commandments spoken to their hearts through His Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:4-14 — The standing commandment of the ascended Christ to all His apostles awaiting His Return is to wait to witness until they’re indued with the power of the Holy Spirit, since it’s the power of the Spirit, and not of our persuasion, that convinces men to come to Christ.
Acts 1:14.— The church is Heaven’s outlet on earth, but only when it prays with one accord can God’s purposes be fulfilled and God’s power funneled through it.
Acts 2:1-4 — The Holy Spirit, the First Fruits of our salvation, came on the Day of Pentecost, the Jewish Feast of First Fruits. With the Holy Spirit's coming at Pentecost, came also the first fruits of the church, 3,000 souls converted to Christ. (Acts 2:41; Romans 8:23)
"Bethlehem was God with us, Calvary was God for us, and Pentecost is God in us." (Robert Baer)
Acts 2:2 — The Holy Spirit is like the wind. He is always there, in the slightest breeze or in the strongest gale. He blows however He will and cannot be harnessed. And though invisible, His presence and power is made manifest by the irrepressible impact He makes wherever He blows!
Acts 2:38-39 — God’s gift of salvation and guarantor of it, His Holy Spirit, is promised to all He calls to repentance, whether it is us personally, our posterity, or other people, regardless of their ethnicity and nationality.
The necessary condition for becoming a Christian has nothing to do with the tint of your skin, but with whether or not you've turned from your sin.
Acts 2:47 — We may weekly add to our churches, but only Christ can daily add to His.
Acts 3:1-8 — True Christian charity is to offer a hand up in Jesus' name rather than a handout in our name.
Much of what passes for charity today is the enabling of the irresponsible rather than the responsible aiding of the disabled.
Acts 3:1-11 — True Christian charity, which results in the adoration of Christ and the admiration of His church, is transformative, a hand up, not toxic, a handout.
Acts 4:7 — Due to today's dearth of miraculous ministry, today’s disciples of Christ, unlike Christ’s disciples of old, are never asked in whose miraculous power their wondrous works are performed.
Acts 4:12 — Our God-given salvation is found in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ alone.
Acts 4:12 — Apart from Jesus, no other name will do, not Confucius, not Buddha, not Vishnu, not Mohammed, not Allah, etc.
Acts 5:27-29 — Christians are bound to obey the overruling and higher edicts of the Judge of all the earth over the opposing and lower edicts of all earthly judges.
Acts 5:31 — Repentance is God-given, never self-induced. We cannot muster it up within ourselves, no matter how hard we grit our teeth or clinch our fists. It, like its accompanying salvation, is a divinely granted gift of God’s amazing grace. (Acts 11:18)
Acts 7:54-60 — I suspect that all Christian martyrs, like the first, Stephen, receive a standing welcome by Jesus into glory.
To suffer to be stoned to death for Christ is a small price to pay for your personal standing reception into glory by Christ Himself!
Acts 7:55-59 — It is of little consequence to one who sees God’s glory and Christ standing for His reception to be stoned by men.
Acts 9:1-7 — To make a life-transforming U-turn, you need to see the Lord and hear Him speak, not just see the light and hear some sound. Too many churchgoers today try to turn their lives around who’ve never been stricken to the ground by a personal encounter with Christ!
Acts 9:5 — To protest God's plans or to persecute His people is always to kick against the pricks, for there is no way humanity can ever thwart divinity.
Fighting God is the ultimate losing battle.
Acts 9:15-16 — All chosen vessels of God must suffer great things for God. Far from being known for their trouble-free lives, God’s chosen vessels are more often known by their trouble-filled lives.
Acts 9:40 —Just as Peter turned his focus away from the corpse, in order to successfully pray for Tabitha's resurrection, you must turn your focus away from all you're under, in order to successfully pray for God to help you rise above it.
Acts 10:4 — Our conscientious prayers are God’s cherished memories. They are mustered by the Almighty into a monumental memorial before Him!
Acts 10:34 — Most manmade religions worship discriminating deities who favor certain ethnicities in localized vicinities, but the Christian Faith is a nondiscriminatory faith worshiping a God who is no respecter of persons.
Acts 10:43 — The prerequisite for God’s forgiveness of our sins is our belief in Jesus’ name, which means “the salvation of Jehovah.” To believe salvation is found apart from faith in Christ alone is to forfeit all hope of God's forgiveness of your sins.
Acts 10:44-48 — The Spirit of God must fall on those to whom we speak the Word of God if they are to be baptized in the name of the Son of God, for baptism is proof of the Spirit's possession and our Christian profession.
Acts 11:13-14 — The salvation of sinners awaits the saints telling to them the glad tidings of the Gospel.
The souls of sinners will be lost if the lips of the saints are sealed!
Acts 11:18 — Repentance is God-given, never self-induced. We cannot muster it up within ourselves, no matter how hard we grit our teeth or clinch our fists. It, like its accompanying salvation, is a divinely granted gift of God’s amazing grace. (Acts 5:31)
Acts 12:1-4 — Like the Jews and Herod, many former antagonists become fast allies in a joint and furious assault upon the church.
Acts 12:5-17 — The angel that fetched Peter out of prison was fetched for by a praying church.
Acts 12:20-23 — The downfall of many a people and potentate has been precipitated by the people mistaking their potentate as divine and their potentate's refusal to deny his popularly perceived divinity.
Acts 13:22 — A man after God’s own heart lives his own life in accordance with God’s will and in adherence to God’s Word. To fail to do so is to prove your possession of an impassive heart toward God.
Acts 13:38-39 — Here’s proof that all things are possible with God. In Christ, we are both forgiven and justified, despite the fact that the justified can’t be forgiven, for they have nothing to be forgiven for, nor the forgiven justified, because they're guilty not just.
When Christ forgives us of our sins, He also justifies us before God. In other words, God now sees us in Christ just as though we’ve never sinned.
Acts 13:48 — The false doctrine of decisional regeneration is based on spurious faith, not saving faith. It teaches that everyone can believe whenever they decide to, not, as the Bible teaches, that only the elect can believe whenever God enables them to.
"Saving faith is the faith of God's elect; the special gift of God to them, wrought in them by His Spirit." (Thomas Boston)
Acts 14:22 ⏤ There is no trouble-free trail nor primrose path to the kingdom of God. Those who seek one prove they know as little about the journey as they do the destination.
Acts 15:18 ⏤ God does nothing haphazardly or off the cuff. Instead, everything He does, from beginning to end, is preordained and precise, assuring the accomplishing of His perfect plans and purposes.
Divine plans are never duct taped!
Acts 16:25-26 ⏤ Nothing brings about our emancipation from encumbering circumstances faster than breaking out in praise of God in the midnights of our lives!
Acts 16:30-31 ⏤ All that is needed to save ourselves and our household is for us to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing else and nothing more.
Faith in Christ + anything else = a false gospel!
Acts 17:28-29 — Since we owe our existence to God, we are the offspring of God.
Acts 18:12-17 — Gallio, like many government leaders today, was not only totally apathetic about antisemitism, but also proven to be an antichrist, by the fact that he couldn't care less about Christianity.
"Israel is a racist state." (Pramila Jayapal, Democratic Congresswoman)
"God's will is no concern of this Congress." (Jerry Nadler, Democratic Congressman)
Acts 19:1-7 — Faithfully following your present understanding of Scripture will be rewarded with future and further spiritual enlightenment, not to mention the Holy Spirit Himself, who will enable you to live it out and to live up to it.
Acts 20:35 — Until our greater blessing is found in giving and being a blessing rather than in receiving and being blessed, we are neither intimately familiar with Christ nor closely following Him.
Acts 26:13-14 — The closer you get to the light the holier God becomes and the humbler you’ll be. In the light, no one struts around, but everyone bows down.
Acts 27:20-26 — You must hear God in the nights of life to believe Him in the tempests of life. Then, and only then, can you be sure of all God has said, in spite of the storms squalling all around you.
Acts 27:23 — We not only owe God our service, but are owned by God altogether. Nothing we have or are is ours; all is HIs. Therefore, we have no right to do with what we have what we will, but are obligated to do with it God's will instead.
Acts 27:30-32 — To be saved by God on the stormy seas of life one must loose his own lifeboats and look only to the Lord.
Acts 27:44— We are mistaken to always expect God’s deliverance in the extraordinary parting of a Red Sea, sometimes it comes in a far more ordinary way, such as a floating plank on a stormy sea.