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Tweeting Through 2 Kings


Introduction: The books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings originally comprised a single volume, which was entitled "Kings." The two books were divided by early scribes and translators in order to copy the lengthy text of the book on separate scrolls and codexes.

The book of 2 Kings is the divinely inspired record of the kings of Israel and Judah, beginning with the reigns of Israel's King Ahaziah and Judah's King Jehoshaphat, and concluding with the captivities of both kingdoms, Israel's captivity to Assyria and Judah's captivity to Babylon.


2 Kings 2:14  Although Elisha asked, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah,” a better question today is: “Where are the Elijahs of the Lord God?” 


As we learn from the life of Elijah, secret communion with God and prevailing prayers to God enable us, as they did him, to not only be confident and courageous for God, but also powerful witnesses of God. (James 5:17-18)


2 Kings 3:9-18 — Sometimes a prerequisite to God’s miraculous deliverance of us is us digging ditches for God. Make no mistake about it, our unwillingness to get our hands dirty in menial work for God can undercut God’s miraculous work for us.


God’s miraculous work for us may require us getting our hands dirty doing menial work for Him.


2 Kings 4:8-10 — A man of God should make such an impression on others as to convince them of his calling and to actuate their aid. 


If Christianity were a crime, the case against most confessed Christians today would be dropped for a lack of evidence. 


2 Kings 4:33 — Prayer is best prayed behind closed doors, with all the world shut out from us and us shut in alone with God.


Serious prayer warriors are normally solitary people.


2 Kings 4:42-44 — We can trust God to miraculously stretch our meager means to more than meet our real needs. 


God not only supplies our needs sufficiently, but can also supply them supernaturally and superabundantly.


2 Kings 5:1 — Naaman’s sterling resume was ruined by a single stain: “But he was a leper.” Likewise, your resume, regardless of your good works and deeds, is also ruined by a single stain: “But you are a sinner.”


No matter how upstanding you consider your character or outstanding your conduct, all it takes is one committed and unforgiven sin to halt your entrance into a sin-free Heaven.


2 Kings 5:1-14 — Naaman's cleansing from leprosy, like the sinner's cleansing from sin, could not be bought, but only obtained by obeying God’s improbable and implausible prescription. 


As Naaman the Syrian had to simply dip seven times in Jordan to cleanse his skin, the sinner needs only to depend on Jesus to be cleansed from sin!


2 Kings 6:15-17 — When hostile adversaries surround us the angelic host is summoned to safeguard us.


When the hordes of Hell come against us, we can be confident that the host of Heaven is with us.


2 Kings 13:14-19 — In prayer, we should never stop too soon nor pray too small, lest we miss out on the greater victory.


Contrary to today’s popular faith healers, sickness is not caused by a lack of faith, as is proven by the fact that Elisha, the man of God, got sick and died.


2 Kings 19:4, 6, 16, 22 — When the enemy attempts to intimidate us with threats, he angers and insults the God we trust; consequently, the indignation of the Almighty is incited against our adversary.


Whenever the devil attempts to intimidate us he simultaneously accuses God of being incapable of safeguarding us; therefore, he is not just bullying us, but also blaspheming God.


2 Kings 19:20-28 — Instead of seeing world events through the prism of world powers, as though mere men are this world's real movers and shakers, you should see them through the prism of ancient prophecy, realizing that men are really mere pawns in the hands of Divine Providence. 


“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise up without His aid? (Benjamin Franklin)


2 Kings 20:1-7 — Sometimes divine healing requires a poultice, as well as a prayer.


“God heals, and the doctor takes the fees.” (Benjamin Franklin)


2 Kings 20:12-19  When our leaders mistakenly appease our adversaries, they not only jeopardize the future of our country, but the future of our children as well.


Many a present-day politician placates, for the sole purpose of their personal political aspirations, our foreign foes, undeterred by the fact that by doing so they are imperiling both our representative republic and posterity.


2 Kings 20:12-19 — The wealth in a nation’s storehouses and the weapons in its armories are subject to be stolen in the future from its children when foreign foes who feign to be friends are presently being conducted around to case the country. 


A foolish nation's heedless placating of foreign and hostile parties is perilous, especially to its posterity. Still, many a present-day adversary is appeased by a self-serving politician who is totally apathetic about the consequences to future generations of his current concessions to two-face foes.


2 Kings 20:12-19 — Many a foolish politician, who foolishly appeases our adversaries, without any concern for the consequences to our children, compromises the future of our country.


The appeasing of enemies today will inevitably lead to our being attacked tomorrow.


2 Kings 21:1-5 — In any sure house of God the altar of God is the single altar in sight. Wherever there is multiple altars there is no meaningful adoration, for God can only be worshipped alone, not along with other things.


If you don’t worship God as your all in all, you can’t worship God at all. (1 Corinthians 15:28)


2 Kings 22:3-13 — When the Word of God is lost in the house of God, the house of God stands in bad need of repair from the people of God.


Any so-called church that has lost the Word of God; that is, God’s Word is no longer its spiritual authority, upon which it bases its beliefs and behavior, has ceased to be a house of God and become a spiritual house of ill repute.