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Tweeting Through 1 John

Introduction: 1 John is the first of the Apostle John's three New Testament letters or epistles. It teaches us how to live confidently in Christ in these precarious and perilous times.

1 John 1:9 — The only sin God will not forgive is the one you will not confess.

1 John 2:2 — If Christ had sinned, His death would have been His punishment rather than our propitiation.

1 John 2:18 — The word “antichrist” means “in place of Christ,” as well as “against Christ.” Therefore, everyone promoting themselves rather than preaching Christ are just as antichrist as those who protest against Christ.


1 John 2:18 — The Scripture teaches us that the last times are typified by coming and countless antichrists, those who substitute themselves for Christ as our lord and savior. They will seek our submission to their lordship under the sham of them serving as our savior.


1 John 2:19  To lose one's faith is not to lose one's salvation, which is a biblically taught impossibility. Instead, it is to prove one's faith spurious rather than saving. While saving faith is proven by perseverance, a pseudo faith cannot possibly lose what it never possessed. 


1 John 2:22 — To profess to believe in God, but not in Jesus Christ, is to prove oneself a lying antichrist.


1 John 2:22 — Contrary to popular opinion, Christ-rejecting Muslims prove themselves lying antichrists when they claim to worship the same God as Christians.


1 John 2:22 — Contrary to popular opinion, Christ-rejecting Jews prove themselves to be lying antichrists when they claim to worship the same God as Christians.


1 John 2:22-23  To profess to believe in God, but not in Jesus Christ, is to prove oneself a lying antichrist. Whereas only those who acknowledge God the Son truly believe in God the Father, all who deny God the Son deny God the Father.


Contrary to popular opinion, neither Muslims nor Jews believe in the same God as Christians, since Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God!


1 John 2:23 — Whereas to deny Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to deny God the Father; to acknowledge Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to acknowledge God the Father.


1 John 3:2-3 It is those who truly believe that Christ could come today who will live today true to Christ.


1 John 3:5 — To die for sinful men God had to first become a man and live a sin-free life.


1 John 3:5 — Christ was was able to take away our sins because of the absence of any sin in Him.


1 John 3:19-22 A clear conscience gives confidence in prayer, because the Spirit’s conviction is greater than Satan’s condemnation. However, if we’re guilty of the least little infraction of God’s Word or will, Satan can rob us of our confidence and ruin our prayer life.


1 John 3:19-22 It is the keeping of God’s commandments that keeps us out from under Satan’s condemnation and confident in our prayer closets.


1 John 4:3  The spirit of antichrist, which Scripture predicts will grow until it becomes a tsunami that crests and breaks over an end-time world, is currently cresting and breaking, as is incontrovertibly proven by our world’s growing antagonism toward Christians and Jews.


Spreading anti-Semitism in an increasingly antichrist world serves as proof positive that we’ve entered the Apostle Paul’s predicted perilous times of the last days. (2 Timothy 3:1)


1 John 4:8  Love is not what God does; it is what He is!


For an unloving person to profess to know God is like someone claiming to be intimate with another whose language they cannot speak.


1 John 4:18The realization of God's perfect love for us rids us of the fear of God's punishment of us. For us to be perfected by God requires us to be perfectly persuaded of God's perfect love for us.


1 John 4:20-21 To profess to love God, while not practicing love toward others, is like professing to be intimate with someone whose language you cannot speak.


1 John 5:4 The world can never overcome the faith of a genuine born again child of God, but the genuine faith of a born again child of God can always overcome the world!


1 John 5:11-12 The surety of eternal life is promised in God’s Word and possessed solely in God’s Son. Therefore, to disbelieve God’s promise and to deny God’s Son is to be devoid of eternal life.


1 John 5:12 — If you are without Christ, you are without life, since Christ is life! (John 14:6; Colossians 3:4)


1 John 5:13  — The purpose of Scripture—the written Word of God—is to get us to God's Son—the Living Word of God—so that we may be given and guaranteed eternal life.


Everyone who has committed their life to Christ in faith, can be sure of eternal life, since they have the guarantee of God’s eternal Word on it. 


1 John 5:14-15 — Prayer is not bringing God over to our side, but us going over to God’s side. It is not persuading God to do our will, but petitioning God to do His will. If you’re trying to talk God into doing your bidding, you’re not praying.


1 John 5:14-15 — Answers to our prayers and availability to God’s power are only attainable within the parameters of God’s will.