September 21, 2017 @ 9:30 AM

America is buried beneath an avalanche of words. Everyday we tune in to the constant chatter of Cable News and Talk Radio. We can't get enough of the prattle of politicians and pundits. We're consumed with the chitchat of celebrities. For instance, we're obsessed with Trump's words—his tweets—but oblivious to God's Word—its truths.
As a result of our fixation on the words of men and forsaking of the Word of God, our country is being ruined by ever-increasing ungodliness that is spreading throughout our society like gangrene. Whereas most present-day Americans, as well as most of America's professed Christians, are impervious to today's pandemic plague of prattle, the spiritually perceptive and Scripturally astute understand that what is regrettably transpiring is indubitably taught in the Bible.
In 2 Timothy 2:14-17, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to devote ourselves to the study of the Word—God's Word. By doing so, we will end up approved by God and never ashamed. However, Paul warns all who forsake God's eternal Word to focus on the empty words of men that man's words: (1) ruin those who hear them (2) increase ungodliness, and (3) spread like gangrene.
Having forsaken the Word—God's Word—for words—men's words—our country is currently suffering a fate forewarned by Scripture. But who pays attention anymore to anything the Bible says? After all, we're too busy listening to human blather to take the time to read the Bible.