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Poem: The King of Hearts

I had heard of His splendor.
His glory was world renowned.
So I searched diligently the heavens 
For this King with the diadem crown.
They say His power is earth-shaking.
The most powerful of realms He disdains.
For while all earthly kingdoms will tumble,
His shall forever remain.
Where is the throne room of the universe,
Where I may find His Mercy Seat
And bow my way to forgiveness
As time and eternity meet?
I searched the land of His earthly sojourn,
In the city where Israel’s great kings once reigned.
I looked in the cathedrals of the world’s great churches,
Which were erected and stood for His name.
Yet, futile were all my efforts,
So despairingly I gave up the quest.
Then my eyes fell upon an elderly Christian
To whom I made one last desperate request.
“Sir, could you tell me the place of your king’s palace,
Where I may find Him seated to rule?
For I have searched the whole world over
And am convinced the earth’s not His throne, but a stool.”
In response to my heartfelt question,
The old Christian pointed to his breast
And encouraged me to cease from my wanderings
And at last grant my soul its rest.
He said, “The kingdom of God doesn’t come with observation.”
That I would never find it in chapel, senate or mart.
For the kingdom of God is within men
And the King I sought was enthroned in his heart! 

Don Walton