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THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE (2017) > September 11


I am continuously disheartened by the scarcity of serious students of divine revelation in the contemporary church. Most contemporary Christians are unwilling to invest the time and to perform the arduous task of digging deep into the Scriptures in order to prayerfully mine and carefully peruse its precious gems of spiritual enrichment. If it can’t be put on a bumper sticker or printed on a T-shirt it’s just too long for the short spiritual attention span of today’s spiritual simpletons, who prefer to wade in the shallows rather than dive down into the depths of Scripture. After all, if they opted for the latter rather than the former they’d have to stop living off the cuff and roll up their sleeves. They’d actually have to go to the trouble of discovering for themselves the Bible’s buried treasure trove of truth.

Don Walton