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THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE (2017) > June 1


With today’s devotion we will take up the important subject of the translation of the Bible. Perhaps, no subject regarding the Scripture is more misunderstood and controversial than translations of the Bible. 
As we’ve previously pointed out, the Bible’s Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, with a few passages written in Aramaic. The Bible’s New Testament was written in Greek. Therefore, to read the Bible in its original languages, without the benefit of a translation, requires the reader’s proficiency in the Scripture’s original languages. If, however, you do not care to embroil yourself in the extensive study and mastery of the original languages, you will need a translation of the Bible into your own language if you are to read it for yourself.
Whereas many Muslim scholars believe that their so-called holy book, the Koran, loses its inspiration when translated from its original language, Arabic, to any other language, Christianity has never held such a nonsensical notion. The Bible loses none of its divine inspiration when read in other languages besides its original languages. However, without translations, it does lose its ability to inspire anyone unable to read Hebrew, Greek, and a little Aramaic.

Don Walton