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Daily Bible Reading

Astronomers recently reported seeing, in the pattern of galaxies scattered across the night sky, vestiges of sound waves rumbling through the universe. According to them, this is convincing proof of the validity of science’s big bang theory. The big bang is based on the supposition that the universe is expanding. Sound waves rumbling through the universe, like those recently detected by astronomers, are thought to be similar to the expanding ripples caused by a stone cast into a pond. In other words, sound waves have been rippling through our expanding universe ever since the instant of the universe’s inception. Consequently, astronomers conclude that the universe began with a big bang of such unimaginable proportion that it has been expanding from the explosion ever since. What incredible power could possibly account for such a blast from the past?
Although scientists are reduced to calling the creative agent of the cosmos a big bang, faith enables us to “understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” It was from nothing that God spoke everything into existence. God simply said, “Let there be [and bang] it was so” (Genesis 1:3, 6-7, 9, 11, 14-15, 20, 24, 26-27). Since the instant it was spoken into existence, the universe has been expanding from the incredible, explosive power of God’s Word.
If it is powerful enough to call the universe into existence, how powerful of an effect can the Word of God have upon you? Speaking of God’s Word, the late W. A. Criswell said, “The Bible works. Its truths transform the hearts and lives of men and women. It converts to a better life the small and the great. The beggar on the street and the king on his throne, the poor woman weeping in an attic room and the philosopher in his endowed chair, the profoundest thinker and the uncultured savage are all changed by the power of this Book.”
Despite its transforming power, most men never crack the back of a Bible to peer upon its sacred pages. Instead, they prefer perusing a newspaper, staring into a television set or surfing the Net. What would happen, however, if we all put down our newspapers, turned off our televisions, disconnected from the Internet and spent a little time each day reading God’s Word? Do you suppose we’d all discover that we get a big bang out of the Good Book?

Don Walton