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God Is In The Details


The Bible teaches us to despise not the day of small things (Zechariah 4:10). As an old song said, “Little things mean a lot.” I was reminded of this truth Monday when utility workers blacked out major portions of Los Angeles by incorrectly cutting some wires. This little slip-up by workers for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power adversely affected two million people, leaving some of them trapped in elevators and many of them stuck in snarling traffic at busy intersections.

It was wise King Solomon who warned us that “little foxes spoil the vines” (Song of Solomon 2:15). It only took a small slip-up to short-circuit the power to one of America’s major cities. Likewise, it only takes a small slip-up to short-circuit the power of God to our lives. Therefore, you and I should daily guard ourselves against making the smallest missteps, not just against falling for the most obvious trip-ups.

In the obituary of German-born architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the New York Times credited him with the saying, “God is in the details.” It is the variation of Rohe’s saying—“The devil is in the details”—that is far more common, however. Either way, both of these sayings teach us the importance of paying close attention to the details of life, even the seemingly small and insignificant ones. Whereas failing to do so can prove ruinous, faithfulness in doing so will be rewarded and remembered (Mark 9:41; Luke 19:17; Hebrews 6:10).

Don Walton