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Be Careful What You Want, It May Proof to be the Death of You


Who are we kidding? When will we face the fact that our country is morally bankrupt? I know many will take exception to this unflattering moral assessment of our nation. They will point to the emergence of the values voter in the 2004 election as proof that America still has a conscience. Yet, the horrifying facts of our country’s current moral morass contradict any claim of national conscientiousness.  

Yesterday, the Kaiser Family Foundation released a study showing that the most popular TV shows among America’s teenagers are those with the most sex scenes. As a result of this study, TV executives will undoubtedly be condemned once again for pushing sex on America’s children. What will be overlooked, however, is the fact that no one is forcing our children to watch these shows nor prohibiting them from doing so. Herein lies the greater problem.

I’m in no way denying the culpability of TV executives in the undermining of our youth’s morals. I’m merely suggesting, as these purveyors of filth often argue, that they’re simply giving us what we want. Just as there would be no illegal drug trade without drug addicts buying drugs, there would be no shows filled with sex scenes without TV viewers watching them. Now this doesn’t mean that drug dealers or TV executives are any less culpable, it just means that neither could deal their poison without customer demand.

The story is told of two hunters who came upon a dead eagle in the woods. Upon closer examination, the hunters discovered the surprising cause of the eagle’s death. The eagle had captured a ground squirrel, which it held to its chest and refused to release. The feisty little squirrel had bravely fought to the end, gnawing into the eagle’s chest until finally delivering a fatal wound to the mighty fowl’s heart. The two hunters left the woods that day having learned a valuable lesson; namely, you should be careful about what you want, for it could prove to be the death of you!    

Contrary to popular opinion, America is not being destroyed by the likes of drug dealers and TV executives. We’re being destroyed by our own desires. It’s what we want that’s killing us!

Don Walton