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Super-Sized Saints

I’ve scientific evidence that my expanding waistline is my mother’s fault. Growing up in the hills of East Tennessee, my dear mother never allowed me to leave the supper table until I’d cleaned my plate. This fundamental of feasting was so instilled within me that to this day I never leave the table until my plate is clean. It doesn’t matter how much food is on my plate or how large the portions, I’ll not get up until it’s all consumed.
According to researchers at Cornell University, people tend to overeat when given larger portions, even if they don’t like the food. These researchers found that moviegoers who were given stale, 14-day-old popcorn in big buckets, tended to eat 34% more than those given the same popcorn in smaller buckets. Apparently, it never dawned on these researchers that those asking for the larger buckets were the bigger pigs. Anyway, the next time you “super-size” your order at the fast-food drive through just remember that your order is not the only thing being “super-sized.”
In the Beatitudes, Jesus promised that those “who hunger and thirst after righteousness…shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). The Greek words Jesus uses for “hunger” and “thirst” imply hungering for the whole loaf of bread, not just a slice, and thirsting for the whole pitcher of water, not just a glass. Thus, as it is in the physical so it is in the spiritual; those with the most ferocious appetites are those who end up “super-sized.” Super-sized saints are those who want all that God sets before them. They never get up from the Lord’s table until their plate is clean.

Don Walton