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The Death of Don Knotts

Okay, those of you who know me well are probably wondering why I’ve said nothing about the passing of actor Don Knotts. The Andy Griffith Show is my favorite TV program of all time and Barney Fife my all-time favorite character. I’ve been mourning the death of Barney, I mean Don, ever since I heard the news. However, I’ve not been able to write about it for fear of short-circuiting my computer by crying into my keyboard. Having regained enough composure to face the reality of life without Deputy Fife, I’ll now attempt to write a bit about Barney.
It’s been hard seeing Andy Griffith and Don Knotts grow old over the years while Barney Fife and Andy Taylor remained young, frozen in time in a wonderful place called Mayberry. It’s been even harder watching places like Mayberry disappear entirely from the American landscape. Watching Opie grow up to embrace New Age religion and direct the upcoming “Da Vinci Code” movie, a film that depicts the Christian faith as a fable perpetrated upon the world by goddess-hating male chauvinists, hasn’t been easy either. All in all, it’s enough to drive one to drinking at Raff Hollister’s still, to tempt one to throw rocks like Ernest T. Bass, or to cause one to eat a whole jar of Aunt Bea’s pickles.
Well, what can one do? Nothing I suppose, but watch Andy Griffith reruns and wait for Christ’s return. When Jesus comes, not even Mayberry will compare with the wonderful place this world will be. The question is: Are you ready for Jesus to come? I hope Don Knotts was. If so, Deputy Fife is patrolling streets of gold today.

Don Walton