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Giving Ourselves Away

I accidentally scratched myself recently, tearing a small mole. With its blood cut off, the mole turned black and fell off. Though I know this sounds strange, I found myself somewhat sad over it. I felt like a little piece of me was gone. Granted, a mole is something most people are glad to be rid of and a guy my size should be grateful for any reduction in body mass no matter how infinitesimal; still, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad over losing a little piece of me.
Lots of people over the years have wanted a piece of me, and a few have even taken their fists and knocked off a chunk here or there. Yet, I felt no shame at the time losing some skin or a tooth that I was fighting to keep. Somehow losing pieces this way seemed less embarrassing than having them just die and fall off.
When you get right down to it, the best thing to do with pieces of ourselves is to give them away. Now, I’m not talking here about people who are always giving others a piece of their mind. As far as I’m concerned, folks like that have so little mind to start with that they can ill-afford to dole out what few pieces they have left. What I’m talking about is investing our lives in the cause of Christ. I feel like I’ve left a little piece of myself in every church I’ve ever pastored, in every pulpit I’ve ever preached in, in every article or book I’ve ever written, and with everyone I’ve ever prayed for or ministered to. Unlike my mole, which simply dried up and fell off, giving up pieces of myself this way has brought me great satisfaction.
It is my hope to continue strewing pieces of myself in other lives and places the rest of my days. My ultimate goal is to give away every piece of myself before I stand before my Savior. I for one don’t want any piece left to give when I finally see Him who gave His all for us. Besides, any pieces we hold on to and have left over are just going to die anyway. Maybe, this is part of what Jesus meant when He said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25).

Don Walton